Titan Eren

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Akemi's P.O.V.

  Levi was an ass but, I loved him and didn't even know why. I was still in the infirmiry. Levi said I fell asleep alot and woke up frightened. What scared me is that I could remember my dreams, something I could never do before. They were really vivid and almost every one had the same storyline, we're on an expedition, Levi or Petra gets hurt, I have to save them with Oluo or gunther, Then I wake up. I get scared because I always see me landing on the titan then I wake up. I never get to see the end. Its like passing out while falling from a cliff, you never get to see the end.
-----Skip some time-------
I woke up and didn't see Levi but, I heard him. The sound of him playing the piano was flowing through the building, then I relized, he was in the room next to mine. How is there a piano in the infirmiry? I asked myself. I could hear him playing the song I caught him playing before the expedition. He knew I could hear him. Petra walked into my room. "Hey Petra!" I greeted her happily. I haven't seen her for a while. "Hey Akemi! Do you know where Levi is?" She asked me. Her hair appeared longer than usual. "He's in the other room playing the piano." I told her. She looked surprised. "He can play piano? Nevermind that. Bye." She just left. I was all alone, not to mention weak. I've only felt weakness once. When the titans got into Shingansia. I then heard a roar. A loud roar. It sounded like a, TITAN! I started to panic. Mikasa ran into my room a minute later. "Akemi! Eren turned into a t-titan!" She yelled while gasping for air. "W-what! A titan! What the hell!" I was confused, how do you just turn into a titan! "He just bit his hand then turned into one!" She sounded as confused as me. "Armin is trying to get him out, he thinks Eren is inside the titan form's neck." She explained to me. I tried to get up and fell out of my bed. I blacked out. I felt weight pushing me down but, there was something picking me up. I couldn't see anything. All I saw was a pool of black. I saw something in the distance, it was like light at the end of this darkness. I ran to it. I saw me with Levi. It was a bird eyes view. It was yesterday when I layed down my head on his chest. I remember this, was I watching my memories? Am I dead? All of a sudden I was awake. I was still in the infirmiry. Levi was sitting in a corner on the floor. "L-Levi, w-what happened?" He got up and ran to my bed. "Do not scare me like that ever again! You fell out of your bed and hit your broken ribs pretty hard on the floor." He told me. I gazed into his deep grey eyes. I was thankful for him. He was the only person I counted on with my life. "What about Eren?" I asked him. "He is fine. He has a power that could be helpful and dangerous so he is in court with Erwin right now." He explained. Erwin was an ass. Eren was going to get executed without someone else there. "Is anyone elses there?" I asked him hopefully. "Hanji and Petra are there with him." Thank god Petra was there. Hanji might just want to do experiments on him. This was the worst thing possible, other than actual titan attacks.
Hello!!! Sorry for the late update!!! So... Much.... HOMEWORK!! Well, next part is Levi's P.O.V. Bye!!

Peace ✌🏻️

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