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I walked in the house and imminently knew something was up. Ragnar was nowhere to be found and Lucian was waiting for me. When I walked in he called me into the living room and told me to sit when I finally waddled in.

"Who is that that's always dropping you off?" He asked me. I suddenly felt panicked. I had to know that Lucian was eventually going to start asking questions. I tried to be as calm as possible.

"That was Ross. He's a friend of mine. He was friends with my husband before he died. He just doesn't want me late for curfew. So he drops me off." I answered. He didn't seem to like that answer, he leaned forward in his chair.

"Every time you go out, he drives you back home? Are you two...what's the human word for it, uh dating?"

"No, he is just a friend. A concerned friend. He just wants to make sure that I'm not late for curfew and he doesn't want me walking alone in my condition." Lucian stood up and crossed the room to stand in front of me. He started playing with a strand of my hair before grabbing a fist full and pulling me closer to him.

"You are not to leave this house without an escort from here on out. Ragnar is to take you anywhere you need to go and you are not to see that human ever again. Do I make myself clear?" I nodded which caused him to pull on my hair. When he let go, I placed a hand on my sore scalp.

Ragnar was suddenly there and he helped me up so I could go to my room for the night.

"Lucian, Ross is harmless. All he did was make sure I got home safely. That your son got home safely. I don't see where you have a problem with that." Lucian froze as he stood in front of his bar. Suddenly he swiped everything on top of it on to the floor, making everything break. Ragnar tried to shield me as Lucian charged me but it was no use. He just shoved him out of the way and grabbed me to pull me down.

"What have I told you about talking to me like that, you stupid human? I demand respect. If it wasn't for that baby inside you, you'd be dead on my floor right now. Now, get out of my face you pathetic worthless human." He yelled, shoving me to the floor. I yelled out in surprise as I hit.

"Did you hear me? Get out of..."

"My water just broke."

In seconds, I was off the floor and in the medical room. Lucian had to leave the room to talk to the doctor because I was screaming so loud. The pain was worse then anything I have ever felt. I felt like someone was killing me and maybe someone was. Maybe Jax was going to kill me right now.

"Alright, the doctor said he will be here in a few minutes. He is coming prepared to make sure Mavis survives delivery." Lucian explained. I could barely concentrate on anything but the pain. It was unbelievable. When I went into labor with Daisy, it wasn't this bad, yeah it hurt like hell but nothing like this.

"Alright, Ragnar I'm going to wait by the door for the doctor to get here. You stay here and try to help her stay calm and relaxed. We are so close." Lucian said before leaving the room. This was unbearable. I knew then that I wasn't going to survive this. I was going to die within hours, within minutes. I hoped for Jax that life gets better and the humans figure out how to defeat the Delfunie. But I won't be there. I'm going to die here.

"I know what you are thinking, human. You are not going to die today. I'm not going to let you." Ragnar said. I just looked at him. Did I matter to him? Did he actually care if I lived or died? Did he have humanity in him?

I let out another scream as another contraction ripped it's way through my body. He just offered his hand and I squeezed it.

"Who bit you?" I asked, trying to take my mind off the agonizing pain. He looked confused for a split second but then realized what I was doing.

"Um, Lucian did. He turned me after he came here and decided he needed a butler. I've been like this for about six months. After the second attack. To be completely honest, I hated him for it. I never wanted to be like this. I had a family, I had a wife and kids. I know my wife was killed but I had heard the children were spared. I wanted to go find them but I didn't want them to see me like this. Something they feared." I could feel my heart break for him. He was human once with a life, a family, a future. Lucian ruined his life just like he ruined mine.

"Was your name Ragnar when you were human?" I asked, squeezing his hand as a contraction hit. He didn't answer until after it passed.

"Uh, no. My name was Eugene. I know it sucks." We both laughed as I laid back to get comfortable.

"Yeah, Ragnar isn't so bad anymore. Glad you changed it." I said. I let out another scream as the pain changed. "Ragnar, oh God. Ragnar the baby's coming." I yelled as I readied myself to push.

"What? No the doctor isn't here yet. The baby can't come yet."

"The baby doesn't seem to care. He's coming." I yelled. Ragnar seemed to know what to do as he positioned himself where he needed to be. Every time I pushed, I felt myself getting weaker and weaker. The pain was so intense, I could barely handle it. I was screaming so loud I'm sure the other end of Ohio could hear me.
"Okay Mavis, I see the head. Just a little more and you'll be alright. Come on, push." Ragnar said, cheering me on. I tried my hardest but I could barely hold my head up. I suddenly started thinking about Jaime when she was in labor with her daughter and how weak she much have felt.
"Okay, just one more, Mavis. You got this." Ragnar said. I gave it everything I had left and he was out. My son was born. I could hear him crying. He was alive, he was safe. 

"He's alright, Mavis." I smiled as Ragnar handed him to me. he was so small and he looked almost human but he had sharp teeth and claws. That was the only thing non-human about him.

"He's alive." I said. I could feel my body being drained as I held my son. Ragnar quickly took him to clean up and I just felt my whole body relax for the first time in a long time.

"He's perfect, Mavis. Mavis? Mavis? Mavis, answer me!" I could hear Ragnar but I couldn't answer him. Something was stopping me.

"She just went into labor about twenty to thirty minutes ago." Lucian said, coming in the room. Ragnar quickly told him and the doctor what was going on.

"Alright, get the baby cleaned up and out of here Ragnar. Lucian, go help him. I'm going to try and save her." All I heard was the door close and some clanking before I finally blacked out.

Everything was black and there was no sound. I tried to feel my way around but I couldn't move. I tried to call out for help but no sound came out. Nothing, there was nothing. I was dead and this was all there is.

"I think she's waking up. Go get Lucian." I suddenly heard voices. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't, but I was able to move. Could I speak?

"Ragnar?" I guess I could. I tried to open my eyes again but I still couldn't. This was ridiculous. If I'm alive why can't I open my eyes?

"Mavis? Mavis can you hear me?" I nodded. "Good. Listen closely, the medicine I gave you to help save your life has a few side effects. Most are not life threatening and you probably wont even notice them but one is blindness." That's why I can't see. My eyes are open, I just can't see. I'm blind.

"I'm blind?"

"Okay, with most patients this is temporary, but I have had a few that never recovered their eyesight. This is a waiting game. It takes anywhere from twenty-four to seventy-two hours for your sight to return fully. Until then, we'll have Ragnar watch the baby."

"What if it doesn't come back?" I asked, Ragnar can't watch the baby forever.

"We'll deal with that when the time comes." I heard Lucian say from the doorway. What did he mean by that? I was still afraid of him but even more so now than before. I'm no longer pregnant. Jax can no longer save me. I'm disposable now. If Lucian doesn't see me as a fit mother for his son, he will kill me. 

The Monster's Child :.Book 1 in the Delfunie Trilogy.:Where stories live. Discover now