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The first twenty-four hours passed and I still couldn't see. Lucian was becoming restless because if I couldn't see that meant I couldn't take care of Jax.

"I don't understand the problem Lucian. Blind women had babies all the time. I can still take care of Jax. Have a little faith in me." I said, the day after I woke up.

"Human, you can't even care for yourself at this point. What makes you think you can take care of my son?" He argued.

"Our son and I will get better. I will be well enough to take care of him. I admit that I will need Ragnar's help but I can do it." He still wasn't hearing. I heard him storm out which left me alone in my room. Ragnar was in the nursery with Jax and I was on permanent bed rest until further notice.

I heard Jax start to cry and I felt bad for Ragnar. This isn't his job. This is my son, not his. I supposed to be taking care of him. I stood up and found my way to the door. I felt for the door knob and opened it. Once I was in the hallway, I found the wall and walked to the nursery. Once I found the cold metal of the knob, I opened the door and then the cries grew louder.

"It's okay little one. It's okay. It stinks, trust me I know but I'm almost done." Ragnar was changing Jax's diaper. I realized then that I didn't know where anything was in the nursery so I stood in the doorway. I was still a little weak but I could stand by myself at least.

"Alright, back in your crib, you're to cranky for me today, kiddo." I couldn't help but laugh, which caught his attention. "Mavis what are you doing out of bed? You shouldn't be standing up. Come here." I smiled as he led me to the bay window.

"I know but I haven't seen...well you know, been around baby since he was born. He doesn't even know me. Besides, he's my baby, not yours. He's my responsibility." He put his hand on mine and I could feel his claws but I didn't cringe away like I did with Lucian or Lida. I was actually comfortable with Ragnar. He was almost human.

"But Mavis, you can't see. You have to get your sight and your strength back before you can even think about taking care of Jax." He said in a soft tone. I smiled.

"Can I...can I at least hold him?" I felt him stand and heard Jax fuss as Ragnar picked him up. I smiled as Jax was placed in my arms and realized that I loved my son. His father may be a monster but I wasn't. And if I had anything to do with his upbringing, he won't be either.

"Hi, Jax. Hi, sweetie. Oh you got big. Ragnar how long was I out?" I asked.

"Three days. Jax is four days old but he's a bit bigger than he was when he was born." I was a little shocked that he grew so much in just four days but I didn't care. He seemed healthy.

"Has the doctor seen him? Is...is he healthy?" I asked.

"Yeah, Jax is perfectly healthy. The doctor is coming tomorrow to check on the both of you." Jax started to get fussy so Ragnar took him back to his crib. I couldn't help but think of Daisy. She should be here. She should have had a life but she never would. No one ever found out why all babies that were born after the invasion were still born. It just happened that way.

"Let's get you back to bed. Then I'll get your lunch." He helped me up and got me to my room before going down to get my food.

The next morning, I had some sight back. I could see shadows and movements but nothing in its entirety. I could walk around without bumping into much but I still needed my hands to guide me.

The doctor finally showed up about noon and told me that the baby and I are perfectly healthy and that my vision development was a good sign.

"I just want you on bed rest until your vision completely returns. You can visit the nursery but that is the extent of your travels. And only for short intervals of time. Am I understood?" The doctor explained. I just nodded. To be perfectly honest, I was so tired of bed rest, I was losing my mind. But at least I'm allowed to visit Jax.

The Monster's Child :.Book 1 in the Delfunie Trilogy.:Where stories live. Discover now