War of the Elementals

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Two figures stood in a large opening. It had a forest surrounding it.. Orange sand was strewn across the ground as they stood, staring at each other.

They both had different types of clothing. One had a dark camouflage green parka with brown leggings, that had string down the outer side of the leg. Her hair was tied in a high ponytail and her brown hair, glinting gold in the sunlight.

The other figure had a black t shirt, which clung to his muscular body. He had faded blue jeans and long, shaggy blonde hair. His hands were slightly open as if he was holding an invisible ball in them.

He was smiling at the girl who had her jaw clenched and was giving the boy a look of pure determination.

Suddenly a large ball of flame came charging right at the girl. Who crouched and brought her hand up from the ground as if she was picking something up.

In a flash, a wall of dirt grew right it front of the girl, blocking the fireball. The girl flattened her hand and the wall crashed to the ground in a crumble of dirt and dust.

The boy clenched his jaw angrily and swung his arm out in a circular motion, creating a large ring of fire. He jumped into a spin and threw his hand out, making the ring come spinning towards the girl like a Frisbee.

The girl smiled tightly in a smirk and brought another wall up from the ground. The ring of fire hit the wall and was pushed to the side, burning the trees nearby.

Once it fell to the ground, the girl swung her arm out straight in front of her, making the ground beneath the boy to shoot up from the ground.

She brought her hand down to the ground and the rock in the air dropped to the ground, making a large crater.

The boy jumped off, before it hit the ground and rolled onto the ground, landing in a crouch. He clenched his jaw again, his eyes burned with fury, blazing like fire.

He came running at the girl his hands out beside him and was creating a massive ball of fire in his hands before thrusting it out at the girl, who quickly rolled out of the way and brought a boulder out of the ground and threw it at the boy.

He was hit and was thrown across the clearing, smashing his body against  nearby tree. He grunted and slumped to the ground, his head hanging down. The fire around them had now grown and the trees were blazing with flames.

The girl smiled triumphantly and crouched, her hand placed flat on the ground. Suddenly the ground shot up from below her as she was thrown into the air.

The proud smile still plastered on her face, as she disappeared from behind a cloud of dust.

I shot up from bed, panting heavily. I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes. I groaned, another one of those dreams again. Fire and Earth.

Guess a forest fire is going to be on the news tomorrow...or today. I rolled over to check the time, 4:45 am. Today.

I sighed, no point going back to sleep now. I turned on my desk light and pulled the covers off me. The cold morning air sent a chill down my spine as I climbed out of bed.

I grabbed my leather jacket and put it on top of my pajama top. I changed into some black skinny jeans and put on my green converse shoes.

Huh, funny. They were the exact same colour as that girls parka in my dream. I shrugged and grabbed my shoulder bag, which had my cellphone, my earphones, my camera and a pencil and small sketchbook.

I slung it over my shoulder and walked over to my window. I quietly pushed open my window and climbed through. I crouched onto my roof and pushed close the window.

I stood up and smiled as I felt the cool morning air fill my lungs. I looked at the sky which was still dark but was turning slightly purple at the horizon.

I walked across my roof and jumped. I landed on the ground below with a soft thud. I walked down my drive and headed down my street.

If you would call it a street. More like a gravel path big enough for cars.

You see we lived in the country on a farm so there wasn't many other houses around. I walked down the road and stopped at a large acre of land. I climbed up the grass hill and sat down on a huge tree trunk which had been cut down.

I pulled out my sketchbook and pencil and put in my headphones.

Crap. I forgot my torch.

I looked around quickly to make sure no one was around. Nope, just some grazing cows.

I ripped out a piece of paper and scrunched it into a ball.

I held it in my hand and blew out a breath. I looked at the piece of paper and concentrated. I leaned close and breathed onto the piece of paper, causing the edge to crinkle into ash.

I blew a little harder and the piece of paper, caught flame.

I smiled at my handiwork and placed it in a small crook of the tree stump, to act as a light.

I picked up my pencil and paper and started to sketch out a small drawing of a burning piece of paper and at the bottom quickly writing the date and time, and a small sentence,

Don't play with fire, it may cause the forest to burn.

Authors note:

Hey guys, This is just the prologue of this story :) I hope you guys like it.

Please check out my other story Living in a World of Ashes, I would really appreciate it :)

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Feedback is welcome :)

Happy reading y'all :)


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