1: Air *Part one*

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*Tyler's P.O.V*

I sighed as I got ready for school. I had another one of those dreams again. Well, nightmare really. There was again two people fighting. Water and air. I can't exactly remember who won, I think it was water.

I shrugged and continued to pour some cereal into my bowl. I grabbed the milk and started to eat breakfast. I blinked slowly, I barely had any sleep last night.

I could hear the TV droning in the living room and the news reporters voice caught my attention,

"There's been a massive tornado on the west coast and a forest fire has started in the forest of New Mexico. Investigators have still not found the reported persons to have started the fire. We have Lissy on the latest reports of the tornado."

I swallowed. Tornado. The girl in my dreams had started a tornado. I sighed. this wasn't the only time this had happened.

By this time I had stopped eating my cereal and was now just staring blankly at my bowl.

My mum must've noticed my distraction and I heard her sigh as she pulled out a chair and sat next to me, "Another one?" she asked, and I didn't have to ask what she was referring to.

I nodded, "Yeah." I said, continuing to eat. The nightmares had been continuing more often now, not that I told my mum what they were about. Surely if I did she'd start panicking and call the police or physics. She might even call a therapist to try and 'help me'

The fact that the dreams end up coming true doesn't help my cause either.

I sighed at the thought and she looked at me expectantly, "Are you going to tell me what it was about?" she asked, raising her eyebrows slightly.

I made myself stifle my sigh. I shook my head, "Don't think you'd want to hear." I said.

She sighed and folded her arms. This meant business. Oh no, she was going to make me explain.

I bit my lip and put another spoonful of cereal in my mouth.

"And what if I want to hear." she said.

This time I let myself sigh. Loudly. I turned so I was looking at her, "look mum, it's not a big deal-" I started before she cut me off.

"Tyler." she said, in her warning tone.

I swallowed, and looked at her expectantly.

"Tell me." she said, looking at me sternly.

I sighed again and heard the bus outside, "Oh the bus is here."  I said quickly, "Wouldn't want to be late for school." I said grabbing my backpack and quickly heading for the door.

I heard her sigh behind me, "You better tell me afterschool." she called as I closed the door behind me.

"You wish." I muttered and started to walk to the bus. I walked on and paid the bus driver. I made my way to a free seat and put my bag next to me so no one would come and sit there.

I wasn't really one for socializing. I looked out the window as the bus started to move. I put in my headphones and started to listen to my music.

I looked out the window as we arrived to the next stop. I nodded my head slightly to the beat when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I quickly pulled my earphones out and looked up. There was a girl standing there and was smiling slightly.

"Could you move your bag?" she asked me, no, not ask. More like demand.

I nodded quickly and picked up my bag and put it on my lap. I glanced at her.


Blonde hair, blue eyes, everything a cliché cheerleader would be.

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