Chapter 4

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Vanessa POV

For a whole month after I found Danny, I did everything I could. I called so many family and friends in the police, social workers, and other places trying to find Axel. I would try to spend as much time I could with him, sometimes taking him to my work.

Sometimes I would leave Danny with my best friend, Kayla. She absolutely loved him, which made sense, of course, because she was the owner of a babysitting service. All the people in our town dropped kids off with her since she didn't ask them for too much money and loved the children like they were her own.

At the beginning of the second month, my friend who was a social worker called me and told me some interesting news.

"Hey Vanessa."

"Hey Lana, any news?" I was answering like this every time someone called. I think they were starting to get annoyed.

"Yeah, so we still can't find Axel, but I heard that something like this has happened a year ago. A little child was found in New York by some guy. They won't give out the exact information, but the social worker was able to let the child stay with the guy until the social worker can find the child a permanent home," Lana said.

"That's really cool, but what does that have to do with me?"

"Well, my department said you could keep Danny until you find his family or if you prove that you can take care of him and live with him," Lana explained.

The thought about being able to keep Danny almost got me smiling, but I remembered my promise to him.

"Thank you, Lana, for all your help."

"You're welcome. I'm not giving up you know. We're going to find him." Lana ended the call. I smiled softly at my phone. It's amazing that Lana knew that I didn't want to break my promise, even if it was to keep an amazing little boy like Danny.

Danny told me was five and how when he was four, he had lost his parents, found Axel, and later Axel kept and protected him. He told me about how his life was after that.

The time came when I got a call that told me that since I have temporary guardianship of Danny and since he was five, he would have to go to school.

Danny took the news well, considering that he was still waiting to go home.

After every phone call, he would ask, "Did you find him?" It was upsetting to see his sad face when I said no every time.

The first day of school eventually came and Danny was a nervous little ball of energy. He started running all around the house, trying on clothes that I had bought him. He could barely scarf down his breakfast.

When he came back, he excitedly narrated everything that happened and how he made so many friends. His bright smile and twinkling eyes made me laugh along with him.

Danny was my bright little ray of sunshine. Everyone who met him or saw us together agreed and loved him as well. Well, all except one person.

My boyfriend didn't seem to like Danny that much. The feeling was mutual. Whenever Patrick, my boyfriend, would come over, Danny would try to avoid him. When I asked him why he did that, he would say, "That bad man scares me."

That saddened me.

On Danny's 6th birthday, Kayla ran into the house while Danny and I were making chocolate chip cookies for his party that was today. He had invited all his friends.

"I found Axel Williams!" she bounced.

"You found Daddy?" Danny jumped off his stool and ran over to Kayla.

"Yup. Well, I didn't find a phone number or anything, but I found an address! He's a few towns away from here. When do you want to go?"

Danny turned to me with a huge smile and a hopeful expression.

Sadness and dread filled me and I dropped my gaze to the cookies we were making. I didn't want to lose him yet. If I went there now, I would have to give him back to Axel and Danny would never think of me again. I will never see him again if we go there now.

"Mommy?" When he called me that, it made my resistance to go increase.

My voice had little volume, "Maybe we should go tomorrow."

Kayla shot me a look before going to a slightly disappointed Danny. "Why don't you go upstairs and get ready for the party. Our guests will be here soon. I'm going to talk to mommy." She waited until Danny left before walking over me.

"Don't start. I know exactly what you're going to say. I promised to find Axel and give Danny to his father. I knew I wouldn't be able to keep him. He needs and wants his father. Well, I need and want him. How am I supposed to give him away?" Small tears slid down my face.

Kayla sighed softly and wrapped me in one of her warm hugs that I love so much. She was my height so her voice was muffled by my hair, "You were there for him when he needed you. That's all that matters. Think about his father and how much he must miss Danny."

"If he missed him, he would have put missing child notices," I cried indignantly. "Besides I will miss him."

Kayla pulled back at my last sentence which came out in a whisper. She was still looking at me with a sympathetic look making me feel ashamed, "It's his choice."

"I know," I looked down. "I just don't want to let him go."

"You think about it. I'm going to help Danny get ready for his party." She left me to go upstairs without another word.

I know I should do this, but could I?

Hey lovelies! So I took a long time because I'm finally writing future long chapters (and there were some problems with wattpad)!

Hip, hip, hooray!!

Ok, I'll stop applauding myself now. I'll applaud Rallathewolf instead for making a beautiful cover for this book. She did an amazing job capturing what I wanted and I'm so happy that she agreed. Thank you so so much!

May we meet again (from The 100 if you hadn't guessed. JazzyAngelXD I don't care if it came out before that).

Ps. How coincidental that I finished the chapter on the birthday of the person that Danny was based off of. ;)

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