Chapter 5

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Vanessa POV

Guests started pouring in an hour later and Danny ran down to greet his friends. Kayla came down to help me get the food and drinks ready. Afterwards, while Danny was playing, I took pictures and tried not to cry. Maybe it was because I knew that I had to do the right thing, but as selfish as I sounded, it was mainly because I was pitying myself.

As I watched Danny that night, enjoying his party, guilt pushed me into making a decision that would tear me apart inside. Love strengthened my resolve. We would go tonight.

Danny would finally be able to see his dad again. I owed him that much.

Kayla entertained all the party guests-the kids and the adults. I envied her slightly. Everything always came easily to her. I knew that she had rough patches, too. Everyone does. She is in no way perfect, but I loved how she befriended everyone of all ages and types.

We had known each other since we were toddlers. We were both only children and we easily became each other's sister. Our parents laughed and became friends as well. They said that we had met when we befriended at school, but it doesn't matter because we have stuck to each through everything.

The party lasted a long time, but people eventually started leaving because despite the children's protests, they were yawning and on the verge of falling asleep.

When I had waved the last of the cars away, I turned back with a sigh, shutting the door. I walked over to where I found Danny curled up on Kayla's lap both sitting on the couch. I promptly joined them.

"I was going to take him today." Kayla turned to me curiously. She knew me too well to be surprised. "I'm not sure I'll have the guts to do it tomorrow."

"Do you want me to come with you?" I nodded slowly and placed my head on her shoulder tiredly.

Soon I fell asleep.


I woke up to the smell of bacon. I sat up and stretched. Kayla must have gotten a mattress and pushed Danny and I on it because I found him still asleep beside me. Weird, he's usually the first one up. He must have been really exhausted from the night before.

I walked into the kitchen to find Kayla making breakfast. "Your strength still manages to astound me. How did you manage to get us on the mattress without waking us up?"

Kayla turned and laughed. "Magic?" she shrugged.

I rolled my eyes and helped her prepare. Pretty soon a drowsy Danny walked in. "Good morning, pet."

"Good morning, Mommy." I would miss that.

I helped him brush his teeth and brushed mine as well before the three of us sat down for breakfast. Kayla slept over a lot so we just ate and talked as usual until she elbowed me a little. Without having to ask, I knew what she wanted.

I nervously cleared my throat, "So, Danny I was thinking that we could visit your dad today."

He perked up instantly. "Really?"

I simply gave a pained smile and let Kayla finish the rest. "Yup, all three of us are going on a road trip to see him so take all you want in your backpack." How can she still be so cheerful?

Without finishing the rest of his breakfast, he ran upstairs, grinning like a maniac.

Kayla gave me a reassuring smile before we both cleaned up and got ready to leave.

Danny was already waiting by the door. He smiled when we arrived.

We all got in the car. His town was several hours away from mine so we packed snacks and prepared ourselves. I must not have done a good job because I still wasn't ready when we left the house.


We drove for what felt like minutes but was actually 2 hours. The entire time I felt slightly nauseous.

We finally arrived at the address that Kayla had typed in the GPS and started in surprise. The road ended at a forest.

"I have a bad feeling about this," Kayla said turning to me. I bit my lip, hoping that this was a mistake and we could turn back.

Danny turned to us smiling, squashing any remaining hope by saying, "Why? This is the place. It's just inside the forest a little."

"Um, why don't you two go in? I'll find a hotel for us if it's needed," her voice told me how anxious she was which confused me, but I left the car with Danny already near the edge of the forest.

Kayla got into the driver's seat and sped off. Danny didn't waste any time taking the lead. He trudged through the woods as of he had done it a thousand times before. I made sure to keep him in my sight, but I understood what Kayla had said. This place felt a little off yet in the strangest way, it was familiar and comforting. We didn't speak the whole time.

Danny and I walked for 5 minutes before I stopped in awe. Before me stood a grand mansion that had a simple and artistic design of the house.

"Danny, you lived here?" My question came out in a breathless gasp.

"Yeah, isn't it cool?" I nodded thinking how anyone could afford this place. It would make sense of he was a criminal.

Actually thinking it over, he could be. Panic set in before I took a deep breath, reprimanded myself for being silly, and followed Danny to the front door. Holding my breath, I rang the door bell.


Axel POV

I wanted to rip out Jared's throat. He was giving the same news that I had known and been avoiding for weeks now. My pack was not looking to good. The members were feeling depressed because of me.

They were also starting to fear being the same room as me. With good reason too.

Every time I got angry, which happened every couple of minutes, I would go into a fit of rage, throwing things all over.

Ever since Danny was kidnapped, I have been angry and my pack has been falling apart because of it. It didn't help that my mate was still missing as well.

Just as I started growling, an omega came into the room.

"There are two people at the door," he informed me.

"Why did you let them in the gate? I don't want to see anyone right now!"

"I-I didn't. They walked from the forest. Maybe they have Magik?" he stammered.

Magik folk? In my territory? I'll teach them how to respect an alpha!

I stalked over to the door and threw the door open only to be assaulted by an enticing aroma.

"Mate," my wolf and I whispered. And then I saw her. The most beautiful woman I had ever laid my eyes on.

I had waited for this moment for so long that my wolf and I immediately wanted to make her mine, but something stopped me.

She was human.

AN: Sooo....

Please don't throw things at me. I'm so sorry I haven't been writing in a while (A long while), but (here's when I make a lame excuse in hopes that you'll forgive me if you even care) I was busy and I had a bit of a writer's block.

Well not a writer's block per se because I know what I want to write, I just don't know how to say it best.

But thank you for reading.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2016 ⏰

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