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Winterwind flys up to meet me, and takes my hand. 

"So, Waterlily, what's your father's name? Meltedice, Burningsnow?" he asks. 

"It's FIrestorm," I cough.

"Like the only fire fearie that can create fire without it already being present, and without anything to help him? That Firestorm?" His eyes grow large." Will he set my wings on fire for helping his daughter?"

"No," I giggle. Soon we reach the fire area and I smile, "thank you for your help Winterwind. Come down to the water arena at some point, I practice swimming there," 

He smiles at me. Then whispers " I'll try," 

I turn and walk into my fathers house. "Waterlily, your with me today? Huh, well come give me a hug," I turn as my father taps my shoulder and talks. He hugs me, his inner fire already to hot to enjoy. 

"Um, Dad did you get susspended from the water area again? Mom said you prosimed not to create anymore fire in our part," I say. 

"Honey, I can't..."

"Dad, I don't care if you can or can't help it. I want to see you and Mom together again. That might never Happen thanks to your 'ability',"

" Sweet heart, I wish we could meet without fighting. You could come up to see me, and not to fight with me," 

"I do come up to see you, it's just you never come down to see us,"

"Waterlily, it's hard being me. I do want to visit you, but every time I try the Water fearies stop me," 

" Dad, I'm hungery, do you have any food. Or do I need to go get some from the tree fearies." I ask turning back toward the door. Out of the corner of my eye I see him reach for me, then stop. 

" I guess I'l see you when you get back. I'm under house arrest for tring to sneak into the water zone,"

I walk out and fly down to the market. 


As I walk out of the market I look down to ensure that I don't lose anything. Suddenly I hear a gasp, and look up. There in front of my face is Winterwind. 

"Are you o.... Did I run into you? Do you need help? Here let me." He stumbles, it being the second time that day we almost ran into each other. 

"No I'm, uh, fine." I gasp. He began insisting that he help so I let him carry the bags of food which would carry my dad through his two week house arrest. I flew up and when we got to the outside of the house I said "Thank you, and may your wings never rip. ( the classic thank you we say here.) Oh, I forgot to thank you earlier didn't I. Oh, do you want to meet my dad. As repayment for this morning. If you say no you know you will be disgracing my family and me because of your uncourtious behavior." He shugged and frimmed his grip on the bags. 

As I walked in I heard "Sweet pea, is that you? I was just starting to get worried. I have to go to work in another 30 or so minutes but I can always say my officer wanted me to stay home today." My dad walked in casually juggling three balls of flame "Oh, my I wasn't expecting visitors. Hello I'm uh Firestorm, You know the only fire fearie..."

"Of this age that can create fire without moving a muscle. I really enjoy my mother's stories of all the trouble you and her and a um... ("Winterspring" My dad interjected) yeah, Winterspring got into. Then she said you and WInterspring got married right in the time she got married to my dad, and that you two  had a girl a week before I was born. She also said that at your daughter's, Waterlily, Choosing I was pronouced to be a wind fearie."

I glanced at my dad and he looked uncomfortable. "S... so... urm... your mom knows my dad? And my mom? Werid huh. Did you say at my choosing you were pronoucned a wind fearie? That never happens." I smile, "Dad we can stay here and you can go to work. Or I can go practice at the arena? Or you know just fly around talking with Winterwind." 

"I don't care." My dad answers drropping his fire as he glances up at the time, " Oh no im going to be late!" he runs for the door and before his flames reach the floor is flying out. I shug and splish some water on the flames. Thinking about how one day my dad is going to burn down the whole tree. Winterwind looks at me. I stare right back. 

He is taller than me, with dusty blonde hair and appealling eyes of dark green, almost a brown color. I look around for something to do, realizing to late that my small face must be very red. I see the house is a mess and start walking around cleaning. He stands there for a minute then mumbles something about helping me. 

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