The best fire fearie in the whole world just left me in his house with his daughter, who is a water fearie. Okay, I have to admitt she is very attractive. Her face is heart shaped and comes to a slight point, her body is thin and slight in all parts. her hair is the prettiest color i've ever seen an aburn with highlights of red, and her eyes are a hazel so perfect that even my mom would say she was pretty.
" So, do you want to meet my mom? I have a feeling my dad is at work." I mumble after we've finished cleaning the house. She nodds and walks over to the door. I open it and we fly out. I angle my body up and she does to. Some wind picks us up and we fly smoothly up the side of the tree. once we reacch the top I turn to the top door. She stares then flys slowily over.
"Wow you live at the very top? I thought the Fearie and his family lived at the top.... who is your father. Do you know him or are your mom and the fearie's wife really good friends so you can stay at their house?" She asks.
I shrug and mumble "Something like that." My mom hearing our voices outside opens the door and stares at Waterliy.
"Oh my gosh! I never would have thought to see my son and firestrom and WInterpond's daughter together! Well if the fates were wrong why are they hear. Hello sweet pea, my name is Springsequia! Oh I never would have thought they would meet the day after he turned 12!" My mom a young looking tree fearie, says with a smile on her face.
"Mom um me and Waterlily are going to go down to the areana. She needs to practice her swimming." I procide to say with a groan. She smiles and nodds her head. As I turn I grab Waterlily's hand and pull her towards the ground.