Mudblood and a Malfoy

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Ok, right now I'm in LOVE with some Dramione fanfics so I decided I've gotta write my own. I do not own any of these characters, they all come from the FABULOUS J.K Rowling. Like it upp!

Pic is from:

I give full credit!


Hermione stormed up the staircase angrily, why did Malfoy always have to get under her skin like that? Calling her a Mudblood and all other vile things. She couldn't comprehend it, she understood that he'd be angry about her breaking his nose, but he was being an arse. A foolish git. Besides, Madam Pomfrey fixed him up good and proper.

"Password?" The lady asked, Hermione mumbled it and the portrait swung open.
Over in the corner Ron and Harry were playing Wizard Chess,"Bloody hell, Harry!" Ron screamed, exasperated. Hermione looked to see Harry's queen come to life and bash Ron's knight senseless. She laughed as Ron turned pink behind the ears, she couldn't tell if it was from anger or embarrassment. She ruffled his hair, she was glad that after they fizzled out it wasn't awkward. "Hermione!" He whined,"Help me!"
Hermione laughed," Ron, remember YOU taught him the game, tell me you didn't tell him all your strategies did you?" His ears go an even brighter shade of red. "I've gotta go study. See you guys at dinner."

"Oh come on Hermione relax with us! Just for a bit." Harry calls out as she ascends the staircase.

"Christmas is coming up soon, we'll go to Honeydukes then." Harry smiles, his eyes shining.

"Just don't get so wrapped up in studying that you forget food." Harry calls again.

"How can someone forget about FOOD?" Ron shouts. Hermione laughs and finish up the flight of stairs. Grabbing Hogwarts: A History she settles in. All too soon Ronald's voice floats up the stairwell," Hermione, if you don't come down now, you'll miss the food!" Sighing, she closes the book and tromps down the stairs. In the Great Hall her plate fills up and she munches absentmindedly.

"Did you read the newest Daily Prophet?" Harry asks to no one in particular. Ron shakes his head, his mouth stuffed. Hermione nods, "It's about Sirius isn't it? And how the ministry is trying to find him?" Harry nods,"he was seen close to Honeydukes, I haven't received a letter lately. I hope him and Buckbeak are ok."

"This is Sirius we're talking about, for Pete's sake Harry! He'll be fine." Ron says as he takes another bite of his food.

Harry laughs, " 'course, you're right. Sorry guys, I just worry 'is all." Hermione squeezes his hand.

"He'll be fine, I'm sure Harry." They ate in silence, occasionally Ron trying to crack jokes. After they were done eating Hermione snatched a quick glance over to the Slytherin table, finding the familiar blonde hair and stormy gray eyes already watching her. Draco got up without another word and left in a huff, his robes billowing behind him.

"What crawled in Draco's trousers and died?" Ron asks, leaning over toward Hermione. She shrugged. She couldn't deny Draco's dark side called to her, tortured her. His gray eyes reminded her of a wonderful thunderstorm, his hair strands of gold. Sighing, she got up. "Gonna study again Hermione?"

"Of course Ronald, you might try to do that sometime, instead of sending your knight to the slaughter." Ron's ears turned bright pink. Leaving the Great Hall Hermione ran smack dab into a muscular chest. With a small "oomph" Hermione fell to the ground, hair covering her face. "Sorry, I didn't see you." Strong hands gripped her wrists and pulled her to her feet. A familiar smirk peered out from behind her hair.

"Gosh Granger," a chuckle escaped his lips," couldn't keep your hands off of me could you?"

"Can it Malfoy, at least I apologized." His hands were still around her wrists," Let me go Malfoy." She pleaded.

His smirk grew into a lopsided grin," Now why would I do that?" He asked cockily. She tried unsuccessfully to yank her wrists from his grasp.

"What do you want Malfoy?" She asked.

"Oh you'll find out soon enough." He let her go, turned, and left without another word, leaving Hermione to wonder, what did he mean?


A.N. ok, tell me whatcha think! Vote, comment, follow :)

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