Chapter 15 Battle of the Wizarding Worlds

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I'm sorry for the last cliff hanger. #sorrynotsorry haha. <- I will NEVER do that again! Hash tag is evil >:( grr.
Do I have to repeat myself? I guess I will, please vote, drop a comment, aaaannnnddddd follow meh.

They raced through the remnants of the shattered school, coming across battles on each sides, explosions sounding throughout the halls.
"Look for Harry and Ron, I didn't get their hair!" Draco yelled though the chaos. They stopped in the Great Hall, their shoes screeching along the floor. Ron and Harry were back to back fighting off three Death Eaters each wearing their masks, not an excellent choice, Draco thought grimly, but hell of a lot easier to identify.
"Stupefy!" Harry thundered.
A Death Eater was flung through the air screaming as they landed with a sickening crunch. They made their way through the crowd of people toward the two. A figure caught Hermione's attention as it shifted its weight to fire at Draco, the hooded figure readied it's wand.
"Draco!" Hermione screamed, but it was too late, the bolt of green light shot toward him.
"Expecto Patronum!" Harry bellowed and his silver stag was enveloped by the Killing Curse meant for the Slytherin boy. Death Eaters swarmed toward the four, they backed toward each other, backs against each others facing the circle of death. Hermione quickly murmured an incantation, a protective spell, praying it would work, even if only for a moment. Sirius forced his way through the protective barrier to stand by his godson.
"Hermione, did you read the back of the letter? I said I was coming to Hogwarts soon. You never replied to me, but I came anyway, good thing too."
Harry looked over towards his godfather. "Letter? What letter Hermione?"
"It's not a top priority at the moment now is it Harry?" Hermione practically shouted.
"It does not matter now, we must fight against this, we can win, do not despair and do not lose hope." Sirius's voice did not waver as he tried to lift the dejected spirits of the worn children.
"Sirius is correct, we cannot lose hope, as soon as we do, they have triumphed over us. Dumbledore would want us to honor his memory by fighting to the very end!" Professor McGonagall came to aid Sirius as she joined the circle consisting of the golden trio, Draco, and Sirius. "Dumbledore's Army!" The rallying cry of each student pierced through the tense air, unnerving the Death Eaters further. Each sent jinxes, hexes, and disarmament spells to defend themselves to the best of their abilities. Eventually a multitude of lights grew on the horizon, "The Ministry has arrived!" Sirius shouted over the bedlam of the Hogwarts scene.
"Fall back! To me! To me!" Bellatrix, who managed (sadly) to survive, shouted to her wounded warriors who fled as quickly as they were able. Quickly the ministry's aid captured the unlucky few, disarming and neutralizing them. After everyone was transported, the Death Eaters accordingly, the deceased to their proper place, and the damage severity surveyed Hermione collapsed on the stone tiles of the Great Hall, surrounded by sorrow and the dead. She mourned all of her losses; her loss of childhood innocence, her loss of her second home, the loss of some of her friends during this battle of wills. She let the tears envelop her until she could no longer see straight. She felt strong hands pick her up and she was carried to she was unaware of where, because in that moment her eyelids fluttered closed.


"Hermione, you alright?" Three voices full of concern floated into her mind.
Slowly Hermione forced her eyes open, sitting in a bed at the hospital wing. There, in the three chairs was none other than the three people she wanted to see the most: Draco, Harry, and Ron. Draco had ahold of her right hand, Harry the other. Ron stood at the foot of her bed, smiling when he realized she was awake.
" 'Mione? You alright? You collapsed in the Great Hall, that's not like you. Draco had to carry you here." She knew Ron had a great amount of concern, he barely called her by her nickname anymore and the emotion was plastered all across his facial features. Nodding slowly Draco squeezed her hand for reassurance.
"Don't worry boys, I'm fine, I'll be alright. It's just this is stressful you know..." She trailed off, tears prickling in her eyes, she wiped them away forcefully and continued on.
" I feel like I've lost a part of my childhood in the destruction of this castle. The attack physically, emotionally, and mentally drained me. I just need time to cope with-with all of this," she gestured to the castle, "my brain needs to process this new information being flung at me from all directions. This has been a very demanding, very draining week." All the boys nodded, they couldn't have agreed more. They all talked for awhile about anything besides the attack until Madam Pomfrey had to show them out.
Draco, Harry, and Ron walked out together, side by side. Draco cleared his throat and faced his former rival.
"Harry," he began, "I-I never got the opportunity to thank you before, with it being so hectic and all. So I want to sincerely thank you for saving my life. And I'm sorry for all the past strife I've caused you three." He extended his hand, hoping for an unspoken agreement.
"Draco," Harry clasped Draco's palm in his own, "I accept your apology, you would have done the same for me, I could never bring myself to hate you. No matter what I may have said, I never wished you any ill will. If only we could turn back time and redo our first meeting, then maybe, just maybe a friendship could have formed earlier. We never know the time we lost until we don't have it anymore." They shook each others hands, knowing that their past was behind them, knowing that they had started fresh and the slate was wiped clean.

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