Behind You...

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Have you ever been on a hike and felt as if something among the trees was watching you? Well let me tell you something my dear, your intuition is not wrong.

Hello there ladies and gentleman, boys and girl. My name is Alexander Scholls and I'm going to tell you about the creature that lives in the woods behind my house.

It was a cool autumn evening and me and my two brothers were playing cops and robbers out in the field behind my family's farm house. Yes, yes, this is back when children actually went outside to play! Amazing isn't it? Now continuing on. I was about ten and a half, my brother John was just turning seven and Mika was just a hair over five years old. We were playing , having oh so much fun, I was the robber and my two brothers were the coppers, chasing me around in circles, trying to reclaim the rock we were pretending was gold. As we were playing I thought it would be a good idea to hide in the woods which was only a few yards away from where we were playing at. So I ran as fast as my little feet could carry me into the shrubbery of the dense forest. After my brothers had reliezed where I had went they immediately followed me, knowing they could never catch me since I was much older and faster I slowed my pace after getting so far into the forest. After what felt like hours I hear my two little brothers yelling at the top of their lungs " We give up, come out come out where ever you are!" I went and found them of course and we continued to wander the woods for a while, finding amusing bugs and animals all sorts of things, then we came upon this animal carcass all mangled and mutilated. It stunk, it stunk worse than when mother burned her cookies!
While we were investigating the carcass we heard the breaking of twigs from behind us, you know like when someone is walking quite heavily. Well me and John ignored the sound and kept our attention on the dead animal but Mika, Mika went toward the sound and we noticed the sound kept getting closer and closer. It wasn't until we heard Mika scream that we relized that someone or something was behind us. When me and John turned around we saw Mika looking up and this giant beast like figure that walked on two legs like a man. We all let out blood curdling screams but we're frozen in fear of what fearsome creature stood before us. The creature had black fur coming from what would be a human man's shoulders that covered all the way down to mid stomach and arms and legs that looked like branches and vines covered in some kind of black mud. It's head was nothing more than a deer skull cleaned of all flesh and it was as tall as the trees. It was scary. Like from a horror movie. I could feel my heart pounding inside my chest as this, this thing began to walk toward us. I tried to move but I was immobilized by fear, I was sure it was going to kill us or eat us or something of that nature, but it just stared at us. Once it had gotten about three feet away from me and John it knelt down and stuck out its hand and motioned for me and my brother to come closer, we moved a little closer to the monster. It gave us a little pat on the head then motioned for us to follow him, after understanding that this creature meant no harm we politely followed it to a cave.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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