Falling in love with him was easier then forgetting him PART ONE

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A/N My fanfic, the characters they do have mobiles, I never really thought about adding them until now but yeah, they live in the newer century instead of the older century.
Enjoy the story

~~peace out~~

Ciel's POV
It had just accrued to me that Sebastian was the first person I would cry to and the first one I would think of before bed, he was the only thing I would say when I was thinking and the only one that could touch me and send me over the edge, I felt a tear roll down my cheek, I miss his touch, I miss his voice, I miss his smell, I miss Sebastian all together, "young master, is something the matter" I jerked around thinking of him and his caring voice, "oh, my dear Ciel, everything will be fine, you don't have to worry" my mind started to ache, "why the fuck did it happen" I screamed and started to cry more, the tears streamed down my face and my body started to shake.

My phone vibrated in my pocket, I slid my hand in and drew the phone out, I turned on its power, I looked at a little purple box that said 3 new messages, so I clicked on it to see the messages had come from sebastian, I shakily click on his name.

Sebastian:hey Ciel, I know it's been a month and you haven't seen me but we should really talk

Sebastian:I'm sorry Ciel, but I had to leave and break our contract, if I didn't then the both of us could never be happy together

Sebastian:ok Ciel this is childish, please text or call me

I stared for a couple of minuets before crying again, I wiped away the tears and decided to text him.

Ciel:ok so I'm childish, your the one who left me, alone, in the rain

Ciel:the worst thing about it is the fact that before you left you wiped the tears from my eyes and said you hated me

Sebastian:I'm sorry Ciel, I truly am

Ciel:save your bullshit Michaelis, I don't want to hear your lies

Sebastian:well, fine, I'll never speak to you again, you just have to give the order

I read his message and froze, why, why would he even talk to someone he hates, unless, oh god, what a dickhead I am.

Ciel:Sebastian, you did all this because you knew that I was prohibited of loving a demon

I waited an hour, I felt the tears prick at my eyes like a knife pricking skin, he hated me, he never loved me. then I felt something on my bare back, it slowly came around to my chest, it was a hand, a masculine white gloved hand, I slowly turn around and my lips get hit by another pair, a pair of sweet, soft lips and the hand moved away, I opened my eyes to see that I had been seeing things and feeling things, I look at my phone and realise Sebastian messaged me back.

Sebastian:I will be at the manor in a couple of hours if not, just remember that nothing will happen to you with out me knowing, from this day on I Sebastian Michaelis promise to protect my master as long as the contract is locked between us

I blinked before collapsing.

I'm sorry that it's short but anyway, I updated and I have some new ideas for the next few chapters.
Until next time
~~peace out~~

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