Chapter 1

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To the world they were monsters, heartless human beings, criminals but to me they're the kindest and most loving people I had ever met. As a little girl, my brother and I never understood who our parents were. That all changed the day they were murdered being a twelve year old and being told that everything we believed was a lie. To be told our parents weren't doctors but they were murders, assassins. I had never felt unsafe with my parents however after that I never felt as safe anywhere.

My brother and I didn't find out who had killed our parents until five years after when our aunt had told us. She had told us that their was always a hit on our parents but no one had ever gotten so close to them to be able to kill them until that night when they were in the states at a old friends house and they were ambushed by secret service men.

My aunt who was my mothers sister had taken us in and flew us to London to live with her. We only saw her once a year when we would go visit her. She never came to visit us back in the states. My mom would always says that our aunt, Lily had her reason that when I got older she would tell my brother and I but that day never came. I never wanted to ask my aunt and now she had more reason to hate it because her old sister was murdered there.

Twelve years later now I am twenty one and still haven't returned to the states or left England. To me there is nothing left for me over there. I have made a life here in London and I don't think I would have the strength to go back and have so much memories of everything come back to me. My brother on the other hand has been everywhere in the world and has probably been back to the states more times then I will ever go. The death of our parents had brought us closer because we only had each other there was no more time for fighting about stupid stuff. It also made my brother, Zayn find his passion in wanting to see the world more because to him life is to short and any day can be our last. As for me, University is what I had put all my attention too and now that I finished it is time to start new chapter of my life.

I live in an apartment in London with my roommate, Eleanor she was one of my first friends when I moved to England. She was just somebody that I instantly got along with.

"Let's go Ava, The cab is outside waiting for us" Eleanor barges into my room. We decided to go out tonight because we didn't really go to any parties when we were in University. We mostly focused on school and had no time for parties. So we decided tonight that we would go out and just have fun, we hadn't got to do that in a while. But to me it was also to keep my mind off graduation and how it wasn't how it expected it to be. Zayn and my aunt weren't able to attend because Zayns flight got canceled and my aunt was really sick so she couldn't drive down here.

It was a ten minute drive to the club and as we entered it was packed. The club had two floors but the top floor was less crowded seeming like V.I.P floor. We squeezed are way to the bar and ordered two drinks immediately. "Cheers to finally graduating and having fun" Eleanor says over the loud music. Eleanor chugs the whole shot and I just couldn't. Finally, we are at the dance floor and immediately Eleanor gets asked to dance. I don't mind because their is so much people that I don't feel awkward that I am not dancing with anyone. I start to feel the buzz of the drink and I feel like their is no care in the world. Just then I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around to a curly haired guy with beautiful hazel eyes even in this low light. "Would you like to dance with me?" He asked. He didn't seem shy and he seemed confident. The stares that the girls were giving him practically drooling over him probably helped his confidence.

"No thanks, but I can't help to notice that any of these girls staring you would love to dance with you"

"You're right they probably do still I would like to dance with you though"

"I can tell you're persistent"

"Once again you're right I always like to get my way. What's your name?"

"Ava. Ava Malik" Just as I said that he grabbed my hand and pulled us closer. Our faces inches apart from each other.

"A beautiful name for such a beautiful women"

"I would be impressed with that line if I hadn't heard that a million times" I told him. Oldest line in the book. Every guy that tried to pick me up used it and every time it would fail.

Just as he was about to say something back two men in all black came up to him and the bald one had told him something. But with the loud music I couldn't hear what he had told him and he just nodded to them although still looking straight at me.

"I guess this time I didn't get my way next time Ms.Malik we will have that dance. I have to go now but I will see you soon"

"How? you no nothing about me expect my name"

"I know, don't worry about that. You fascinate me just the way you are and I would like to get to know you. Like I said before I like to get my way and this time I will. Goodbye Ms.Malik" He whispers into my ear before placing a gentle kiss on my lips. I was taken back but as he left I found myself just standing there taking in everything that just happened.

Barely realizing that I had no idea who this man was or even the simplest thing as to what his name was. That whole night I spent thinking who he was. He captivated my thoughts for days before I heard from him again. He had sent flowers with a note on it "Dinner? 7pm I will pick you up xxx Styles" was all the note said. Styles, that's all I knew about him. The flowers were white roses they were beautiful and they just so happen to be my favorite flowers since I could remember. It had to be a coincidence that he had bought those flowers to me.

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