Why does this always happen to me!?

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Hey guys, sorry for not updating, I've been kinda runnin out of ideas, but I got a few more coming up so here you go!



(Tyler's Point of view)

I sat in my room thinking about my previous thoughts. Shes mine? That makes it sound like she's an object that I own, which she's not. How could I start to fall for her? I mean come on, we kidnapped her! Ugh, this is all too confusing. Ha! I know I will just ignore these feelings until they go away, yes that will work.

I pulled myself of my bed that I was just sitting on and headed downstairs towards the kitchen with a new happy attitude at my new plan of action. As I was walking to the kitchen to retrieve something to eat I heard her laugh. The sound of bells, I always lov-- Nope! ignoring that thought I shook my head to get it away.

I glanced into the living room from where her laughter had drifted from to see what was up. What I saw though made my heart practically stop and crumble completely. There she was on the couch all comfy and curled up, but thats not what bothered me. It was the fact that she was cuddled up and had her arms tightly around


What!? She's cuddling up to Elliot!? I thought angrily as I stalked off into the kitchen. I mean he was great with girls anyway, but he was always there friends and never hit on anyone, but look whats going on now! He's cuddling with Vivian! I let out another frustrated sigh. I had just bit into the apple that I was clutching in my death grip when Jake walked in.

"What's wrong dude?" Jake asked with concern. Jake was always good at reading things like movements and looks.

"Nothing" I replied lieing smoothly.

"Yeah sure I believe that, that explains why you are glaring murderously at the wall..." I laughed a little, he always knew when something was wrong.

" It's nothing really, don't worry about it." I said in a voice that would tell him I really didn't want to talk.

"Alright" He said with a sigh and left the room.

I hopped off the counter and went back to my room. I might as well get some sleep to get my mind off things.


(Vivian's point of view)

I laughed at one of Elliot's jokes as I cuddled up to him. He was so easy to talk to and hang around with, I loved him soo much. I was always really comfortable with Elliot since I came here, I shared everything with him as he shared everything with me. He knew all my secrets and I knew his. Even the one that nobody knows but me,

that he is gay.

That is the reason why I can cuddle up to him and know that there is no deep meaning behind it or him thinking that I like him like that. I love Elliot, but hes not the one I'm in love with.

I watched as Jake got off the couch with a look of confusion on his face. I wonder whats up with him? Oh well, I guess we will find out in time. I felt my eyes start to get droopy. I looked up at Elliot.

"Goodnight" I said pecking his cheeck and walking grudgingly up the stairs. When I got to my room I grabbed my pajamas and went into the bathroom. I flicked on the light and squinted as it strained my eyes a little. When my eyes adjusted I turned on the shower and stepped in. I let the water flow down me, relaxing my muscles.

Once I was finished  I got dressed and went into my room. I started to undo my sheets to get into bed when I felt a arm wrap around my waist and a hand planted over my mouth. I started freaking out. Whats going on!?

"Now listen here girl... Keep quiet and don't make any noise or sudden movements." Said a deep voice. Crap! I started to squirm a little, but his grip just tightened.

"You're coming with us, got it?" He asked, but it sounded a lot more like a demand. He let his hand move a little aways from my mouth so I could respond.

"And if I don't?" I asked because I had a feeling it wouldn't be that hard to take this guy down.

"There are more guys outside and when I give the sign they will kill everyone in this house." He replied cynically and I could hear the smug smirk in his voice. My heart stopped there. I loved my guys and I couldn't let anything happen to them, so I made my decision.

"Okay..." I said in a barely audible whisper. He somehow managed to hear that and nodded. He let go of me and I turned to him.

"Now you're friends are downstairs so we will have to jump out the window, got it?" Oh I understood and I have a plan too.

"Go." He said and pointed to the window.

"Can you go first so you can catch me?" I asked innocently.

"No, then you will try to escape." He said seeing through my act.

"I would never put my friends lives on the line like that, now go." I said in a growl. He seemed to believe me and jumped out first. He turned around to watch me as I jumped out the window, but not before yanking off the necklace my father gave me and threw it onto the floor. That way, Elliot would know there's something wrong. I jumped out the window and into the guy's arms. The gang leader walked over to me.

"Well, well, well, look what we have here, our runaway." He said with a devious smirk. Oh how I wanted to punch him.

"This should seem familiar to you now." He said evilly. I looked at him confused, what is he talking about? That's when I saw him take out a rag. Shoot! Not again... He walked over to me more and pressed it to my mouth.

Once again, everything went black.


(Tyler's Point of View)

I kept shifting around in my sheets. I just couldn't get comfortable, something seemed wrong. I couldn't get rid of this gut wrenching feeling something is not right. I had to check on Vivian.

I walked to her room and opened the door. Her room was empty, so I walked over to the bathroom. It was open and she wasn't in there. I started freaking out inside. My blood ran cold when I looked at the window. It was open, just like it had been when I kidnapped her. Did she run away? No, it doesn't seem like her, she was so happy here.

"GUYS!!! GET IN HERE!!!!" I screamed with fear and panic at the top of my lungs. I heard footsteps come barreling towards the room. They all stopped at once at the doorway and I turned around to face my best friends and tell them the news,

"She's gone..."


Did you guys like it? Do you guys think the guys will have to save her this time or do you think she will escape on her own again? Hope you enjoyed it!

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