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This chapter is dedicated to ThomasBerryman for being the first person to comment on this story and being the first to comment on something of mine ever. Thank you :D

Hey guys! Here's the next chapter!



(Vivian's Point of view)

We were all unsure as we heard a groan from the kitchen...

We shot up off the couch and into the kitchen to see our impostor Greg, Sean, sitting up rubbing his head. We looked around at each other not sure what exactly to do. So I decided to take the first move.

I walked over to a cuboard and pulled out a pot. I picked it up and walked over to him, lifting it over my head and whacked it into the side of his head, knocking him our cold again. I looked over at my boys to see them all gaping at me.

"Well are we going to just gape at me or  are we going to tie this guy up?" I asked.

With that Jake and I lifted Sean up and put him on a chair Elliot had grabbed. I watched Tyler tie him up.

"What should we do with him?" I heard Jake ask.

"Kill him?" I suggested. They all looked at me shocked. Well that was until Jake started cracking up

"I wasn't expecting that to come out of you're mouth!" Jake said after he stopped laughing. I just shook my head, idiots.

"Well what's you're plan?" I asked no one in particular, yet everyone at the same time.

"We could swap him for our real Greg?" Tyler proposed.

"No.. We should break into their house and get Greg ourselves. I have a feeling making a deal would end up bad for us. Like a heart, deals are usually broken." I said as I walked to the sink.

"Well that last part was deep." I heard Clyde say.

I didn't respond to that, instead I just smirked and picked up a rag that was next to the sink on the counter. I turned on the water and wet the rag. I shut off the water and walked over to Sean.

"What ARE you doing?" Jake asked. Tyler just watched me curiously.

I took out a knife that I had put in my pocket just in case those guys came here and Slashed Sean's sweatshirt where the shoulder is. Everyone just stared at me like I was whacked. I ripped it more reveling his tattoo. That's when I heard the guys go "Ohh" as it clicked what I was doing exactly. I took the rag and put it on his skin. I started moving the rag around and sure enough, ink started to come of and smug all around. I turned to the guys and smirked,

"I still say we kill him." I said and shrugged. I threw the rag and it landed perfectly in it. I pumped my fist into the air at my success. Elliot put his hand on my shoulder and shook his head at me for my stupidity. I hung my head low in fake shame. We both started snickering at our silliness.

"Alright, so now we know for sure that is Sean, and No we are not going to kill him." Said Tyler looking pointedly at me. I grinned.

"So should we go get Greg now?" I asked, all hyped up to go.

"No, we will wait until tomorrow, they usually leave around 6:00PM every night to go deal, so we should be able to break in." Replied Tyler and we all nodded in agreement.

Then I broke out into a big evil grin. Everyone turned and looked at me a little scared.

"Why do I feel an evil plan being formed?" Asked Elliot wearily.

"Cause I'm making one." I said quite simply.

"What is it?" Asked Tyler.

"I say we tie up Sean and re-due his tattoo and leave him back in that basement so they think they still have Greg." I suggested. They all nodded slowly, taking in the idea.

"Sounds good, but I think he would be able to tell them that its him and not Greg, therefore giving him back easily to the enemy." Jake said.

"Unless we make him silent..." They all looked at me like I was crazy.

"No Vivian, we are not permanently silencing him." Tyler scolded. I just frowned. What does he have a better plan?

 "Let's just leave him down here tied up and take shifts watching him and if he wakes up, knock him out. We can decide everything tomorrow because it's getting late and we need our rest if we are going to get Greg tomorrow." Tyler concluded.

We all agreed and headed off to bed, preparing for tomorrow.


*The next day*

(Elliot's point of view)


After I got ready I cam downstairs and plopped on the couch. I looked at the other guys in the room and felt tension in the air. I think it's at me, but I didn't do anything, Did I?

They were all either eyeing me suspiciously or glaring, I felt myself sink down into the couch more.

"Hey, Vivian and I are going to go check to make sure the coast is clear and make sure they left the house. Stay here, we will be right back." Tyler ordered and they both left.

I got really scared when they excited the door because now everyone was glaring at me.

"What?" I asked, extremely confused.


"Ohh, I thought he did." I said in realization, I had a feeling Tyler liked her.

"So stop hitting on her!" Clyde demanded.

"I'm not hitting on her." I denied, it was true though, I don't even like girls.

"YES YOU WERE!" Jake yelled again. With that everyone started yelling at me and it got very loud and I had no idea what they were even saying because they were trying to yell over eachother.

"I'M GAY!!!!!" I yelled at them. With that everyone went dead silent and stared at me shocked.

"Yes I'm gay, so no, I wasn't hitting on Vivian and, no I don't like her anymore than a friend." I told them.

"You'r gay!?" Asked a shocked Jake.

"Yep." I responded simply.

"Alright then, sorry for yelling at you man, I thought you were trying to get with her." Clyde said apologetic.

"Yeah sorry man..." Jake said.

"It's okay. So you guys are okay with me being gay and all?" I asked and honestly I was scared they weren't going to accept me anymore.

"Of course!" Jake and Clyde both yelled. I smiled thankfully at them.

"As long as you don't try to hit on me bro." Jake said nudging me with hit elbow.

"I'll try." I said rolling my eyes.

Just as we finished talking the door opened and Tyler and Vivian walked in.

"Coast is clear guys, let's get going." Tyler said and Vivian just nodded.

With that we headed out to retrieve our old friend.


Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Did you guys like the scene where Elliot admits he's gay? I love gay people :D

 And this means this story is no longer on hold ^.^

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