*BTS'S PoV ~ How do you feel about the Chatroom?

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~ A/N I want to try to make this since I thought that I want to make my stories more interesting. Hope you guys like it!~ =>* means special episode.


Gosh... The chatroom is always like a war zone. I wish Jin or NamJoon can handle this and make some rules or something. It keeps on ruining my beauty sleep. T^T


What?! Suga wants the chatroom to be peaceful? What can I do since I am already full of awkwardness? -.-' Fine.. I'll admit that I am awkward. DON'T STARE AT ME LIKE THAT! Heung~~


As the leader, of course I have been wanting to be able to control these 'excited kids'. THEY ARE JUST UNCONTROLLABLE~!!! But since I am one of them, I just had to.. lol


The chatroom is fun! But of course without me, THERE IS NO FUN! R-Right? D-don't say NO.. PWREASEE??~ (ಠ ^ಠ)


The chatroom? Well, it helps to relieve my stress.

Me: In what way?

Well, my username :D... Huehuehue :P


I had fun.. BUT NOT AS MUCH AS THE OTHERS DOES~ Since I am the icon of 'Laugh.Live.Love', I am always okay with anything (ノ^ヮ^)ノ*:・゚✧ .. Hehehe


Why am I last to be interviewed? =.=+ Huhz.. Nvm. The chatroom is fun. BUT CAN'T THEY TALK SOMETHING MORE ADULT??! Not to say that I am a byuntae, but I WANNA HAVE REAL FUN.. You get what I meant, right??? ehehehe (/*^.^*\)

Me:... NO (O.O)"


Thanks for reading! If you find this awesome or enjoyable, Please vote and I can do more of these. Also please follow Jisoo_Wifeu curz she is an amazing friend. And check out her 17 fanfic (She puts in SMUT time too~ huehuehuehue ^.^). Anyways thanks for watching! See you soon!~


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