The Prologue

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The crunch of grass was the only sound to be heard in the dead darkness.  All was quiet, on the late September night as a young girl stealthily made her way to the front porch.  The light was off, which did not shock her in the least bit; however, what did seem to catch her attention was that not even the kitchen light was on.  MJ must be getting ready still, Anika thought to herself as she shifted the grocery bag from her left hand to her right.  She tried the knob to the front door.  It was locked. With a heavy sigh, her boots once again trekked through the grassy lawn to the side of the house.  Unlocking the gate and sneaking into her best friend’s backyard was an all too usual habit for Anika, almost natural. The gothic, black wire gate was covered in sticky dew, chilling her caramel colored fingers.  The gate gave out a low moan of rust and age as she slowly opened it.

 However, what shocked her was the quiet from the neighbor’s dog, who usually gave out a low growl at her entrance.  But the night was silent, and Anika did not have the time to check on the obnoxious animal.  She continued through the back, past the rose bushes giving off their sweet scent, and past the small trickling fountain in the garden.

 When she arrived on the back porch, she froze. The sliding back door was wide open, the curtains waving in the breeze.  At first, her stomach dropped and her mouth went dry, automatically assuming the worst.  She attempted to reassure herself as she took another step closer to the door. MJ probably just left the door open when she watered the flowers earlier in the day, and forgot to close it when the sun went down. And of course, her parents were out of town so they weren’t able to remind her.  As logically as the girl attempted to reason, there was a gut-wrenching feeling coursing through her veins.  Something was wrong.

Just then, the loud clang and clashing of church bells broke the silence of the night.  Startled, the girl jumped nearly a foot into the air.  She tried to calm herself as her hands shook and she reached into her pocket for her cell phone. 

“Hello?” she trembled.

“Hey! You at MJ’s yet?” Called her best friend, Scarlett from the other end of the crackling phone line.

“Yeah just got here, what time did you tell everyone to head on over?”

“Not until 9:30,” Scarlett mumbled, obviously preoccupied with something else, most likely a text message.

Anika checked her watch.  It was a quarter till nine.  No problem, she thought. There was still plenty of time to set up for the party.

“Alright sweet, I’ll text you when we are all set up and ready!” She replied.  She was unsure as to why she was keeping her voice at a whisper.

The phone line went dead and there was nothing but the sound of a distant hoot of an owl in a nearby tree.  Tense, she made her way up the porch steps and into the dimly lit doorway.  MJ’s kitchen loomed in the darkness, forlorn and obviously not cleaned or tended to for a while.  With a sigh, she slid the door shut behind her and set the grocery bag on the finely furnished wood table.  The click of the door made her uneasy, but she continued to calm herself. 

With a deep breath she called, “MJ?”

There was no response.

She made her way to the tall, movie-like staircase and began to scale them slowly.  As she neared the top, she could hear the faint noise of a shower going. 

Relief flooded her and she skipped the next two steps and continued to MJ’s room.  Her step squeaked the floorboard as she gripped the brass knob, throwing it open.  The sound of the shower was louder now, as her friend obviously forgot to shut the door.

“MJ!” she called now, a slight smile of consolation appearing on her face.  She tossed the keys to her car and her phone on her friend’s bed.  A text message appeared on the screen, reading ‘Scarlett: One new text message’.

There was no response from her friend. 

 A shiver went up her spine, as she gently called, “Hey, everyone is supposed to be-” Her sentence was broken by a gut wrenching scene.

Her best friend’s body dangled there from the ceiling, a rope wrapped around her blue-ish neck.  Head lolled to the side, her lifeless eyes gazing straight ahead.

A long shriek of horror filled the night.

"'''*~♠♦♣♥ ♠♦♣♥ ♠♦♣♥ ♠♦♣♥ ♠♦♣♥ ♠♦♣♥ ♠♦♣♥ ♠♦♣♥ ♠♦♣♥ ♠♦♣♥ ♠♦♣♥ ♠♦♣♥ ♠♦♣♥ ♠♦♣♥ ♠♦♣♥ ♠♦♣♥ ♠♦♣♥~*''"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2011 ⏰

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