(TW KNIFES, CUTTING) HAPPY HALLOWEEN(with Oliver's songs cause yea)

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-Pumpkin March-

 "Pixel, you're super boring! Why won't you dress up?!" The bells on Wysteria's striped hat rung as she yelled at her friend.

 "Hey, you're lucky I'm even coming!" Pixel snapped back at her.

 Tatsuo watched them fight, slightly bored. "Guys, let's go!"

 Wysteria completely forgot about her and Pixel's fight and walked out the door with a simple and  cheery "Okay!"

-Outside, 15 minutes later-

 Walking across a dark, abandoned street was an orange and yellow pierrot, a panda human hybrid (cause who needs a costume when you already have awesomeness?), and a completely normal (and boring) person holding a catbug plushy (YAY CATBUG).

 "I see no houses!" Wysteria yelled.

 "No duh," Pixel murmured, half to her.

 Behind them, Tatsuo clenched his teeth.

 "LET'S GO THERE!" Wysteria pointed to a dark looking mansion, and, unknown to her, the panda's face relaxed. Pixel agreed to go, claiming "it looked more exciting than normal houses."

 'Good. You have made the right choice,' he thought, smirking (I love smirks).

 Their feet moved across the paved road, wind rustled through their hair and clothing, while autumn colored leaves blew around them, rustling coming from the trees and bushes beside them.

 They stopped at the large double door entrance, inspecting the huge manor.

 It looked almost entirely black, with large windows on every wall. Stone gargoyles sat on ledges, staring down at every face that walked by. On the entrance door there were two curved handles, similar to a mug's, along with two circular door knockers.

 As Wysteria slowly inched towards the door, she heard a thump and quickly turned to see Pixel's unconscious body sprawled out on the ground.

 "He-" she suddenly felt a stinging pain in the back of her head, and fell as easily as the leaves around her.


 Her eyes slowly opened, vision obscure, but clear enough to make out the dark shadow sitting in between her and the window.

 "Ta~Ta~ts~u~o~o," her voice shook, and she hoped he wasn't the one who did this.

 She looked down to see a white T-shirt and black shorts- the clothes she wore under her costume.

 "That stupid costume was annoying the hell out out of me," he told her, seeing she noticed her change in clothes.

 She stared at him, horror visible in her eyes, as she saw the monster inside of him.

Pixel stared to sit up, signaling he was awake and distracting Tatsuo.

 "You're awake!" Joy filled his face as he clapped his hands excitedly. "Now we can eat dinner!"

 Wysteria was confused and hated it. She was tired of not knowing what was happening and decided to use that one word that is reasonable to use when confused.


 Tatsuo stopped clapping and looked at her with curiosity as if to say, "what do you mean?"

 "Do you guys remember the people you betrayed?" he asked.

 Pixel and Wysteria looked at each other, confused. This was not what they expected.

 "Will humans ever stop being jealous?" These questions were confusing them more then their situation.

"The happiness they extract from other's pain," he suddenly snapped out of his daze. "It's getting late, don't you think? It's time for dinner." he stood and walked out the door, towards the dining hall, the two humans following, looking around the manor.


 "Wow, Pixel, Wy's right, you are boring. Let's see what you look like with a smile!" Tatsuo happily pulled out a knife, and cut into the skin on the corner of Pixel's lips, blood dripping down his chin and making contact with the cotton that made up his shirt. He winced at the cold blade of the knife making its way across his face.

  Tatsuo then turned to Wysteria, who flinched as he stared into her frightened eyes.

  "My, my, Wysteria, you haven't eaten a thing! I'm sure you don't need me to feed you, do you?" His innocent voice made her want to vomit, but she shook her head. "Then you should eat it, otherwise I'll make your teeth rot! Look in the mirror you two! I'm starting to feel bad for it! I wonder how much you would weigh if you ate a cake for every lie you've ever told!" He stood on the table with his arms held in front of him like he was the host in a circus, introducing the audience to a world of different specimens. "Honestly, your layers of slowly rotting skin are making me sick! But I suppose it's good for you!"

 Pixel and his fellow tortured comrade stared, half horrified and half curious to exactly how  it's good for them. As if he heard their thoughts, he happily told them something that made their eyes widen.

"There's no need for you dress up anymore!"


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