'i want to die'

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~Coming Back Home~

~Justin's p.o.v~

I stare at Lauren's unconscious body, my hand inlocked with hers. I need her to wake up soon.

'Justin.' Lauren's mom calls.

I look at her, holding two cups of coffee in her hands.

'Yeah? ' I ask, wiping under my eyes

She doesn't say anything, just hands me my coffee, sitting down beside me.

'How could I let this happen?' I mumble, rubbing Lauren's hand, taking a drink from my coffee.

'Don't blame yourself Justin, this isn't your fault.' Rose says, putting a hand on my shoulder for comfort.

'I just feel like it is.'

'She wouldn't want you to feel that way' she simply says, sitting down beside me.

'Its really hard.' I admit, studying Lauren's features.

Her eyes closed, the drip that's not attached to her nose, her hair cascading her face, falling down her shoulders. Her skin that was tan, now pale and weak.

'I know it was sweetie but in no way was this your fault.'

I nod my head, kissing Lauren's unstable hand.

'How did this happen?' She mumbles, sitting down in the chair beside me.

I don't know if I should tell her everything...

'I guess it just got too much for her.'

Tears well up in my eyes, remembering how I yelled at her when I found out about the texts, I was so inconcederite.

I showed Rose the video, but she's not one hundred percent sure of what's going on.

'I promised her I wouldn't let anyone or anything hurt her.' I cry, squeezing her hand.

'She's been getting texts.' I admit, sighing and putting my head down. 'From an unknown number, saying how they were going to find her when she gets back from the lake. She was scared, and I could tell she felt unloved and worthless, even though she's far from it.'

Rose crosses her legs, searching my eyes for anything more i could possibly tell her.

'I tried to tell her everything was going to be okay, that's when I promised her! Promised her I wouldn't let anyone hurt her. Now look what happened.'

'Justin this isn't her fault. Like you said, she must of felt worthless, even though we both know she isn't.' She licks her lips. 'But that's why she's here now.'

I nod my head, feeling her pat my knee and walk out again.


I turn my head, watching Alfredo sit beside me, his eyes red.

'Im so sorry.' He whispers, watching Lauren with discomfort.

'Why are you sorry?'

'You left with me, it was my idea to hang out..'

Is he being serious?

'Alfredo this isn't your fault, not at all. I should have seen the signs, she couldn't take it anymore, I should of seen that.'

'It's not your fault either bro.'

~Lauren's P.O.V~

My eyes flutter open, landing on a white ceiling, I groan, making something snap beside me.

'Justin?' I mumble, putting my hand on my head.

'Lauren?! Your awake!'

I look over at him, his eyes red and puffy, like he's been crying and hasn't been sleeping.

I don't want to be here.

'Why did you bring me here!!' I yell, making his eyes widen.

I feel tears stream from my face.

'I wanted to die!' I scream, seeing my mom, Pattie, Chaz, Ryan and Alfredo standing at the door.

'Lauren-' my mom says.

'Dont!' I snap, my voice cracking.

I wanted my problems to disappear, not come back.

Without hesitation, I find the wire that's giving me oxygen, trying to pull it.

'Lauren stop!' Justin yells, coming to my side, trying to take it from my grasp.

'I want to die.' I repeat, pulling it from him.

'Baby please..' He whispers, making eye contact with me.

'You don't need me! You can do so much better, let me die Justin.' I say through gritted teeth, the nurse running in to me.

'Miss Millar lie down.' She instructs, my heartbeat going faster on the amp.

Why can't they just leave me alone.

'Lauren let go of the wire.'

I let go of it, looking up at the desk beside me, an injection, perfect.

I grab it quickly, putting it infront of my chest.

'Lauren stop it!' Justin yells, taking caution of my move. 'Stop it!'

I keep eye contact with the nurse, but scan the room, seeing everyone crying.

Why are they so upset? I'm worthless. They'll be better without me.

'I want it to end.' I say softly, my voice cracking.

'Please.' Justin whispers, coming to my side.

'This will kill me won't it?!' I snap, looking at the nurse.

'You don't want that.' She replies, looking at the needle then at me.

'Come closer and I'll do it.'

'Everyone get out!' She yells, making everyone exit the room, including Justin who won't stop crying. I hate that I'm hurting him, but I need out of this.

'Lauren think about what your doing.'

'I. Want. To. Die.'

'Why? You've got so much who love you.'

'And so many who hate me.' I snap, feeling the urge to stab this in my chest.

'Lauren please, that boy out there hasn't slept in weeks. It's like without you he's lost.'

I look out the door, Alfredo and Pattie comforting Justin. Chaz and Ryan comforting my mom.

'Look how broke they all are.'

I look back at the nurse, who's reaching her arm out.

I sigh, handing her the needle and lying back on my bed, earning a sigh from her.

'Promise me, promise us, you won't try anything.'

I nod my head slowly, feeling warm tears fall down my face. How could I be so inconsiderate of them, wanting nothing more to kill myself, being so selfish that I didn't care how they felt.

'Justin?' I called out, tears building up in my eyes.

He walks in, almost scared to be here. His eyes red, puffy and weak. He comes over to my side and I quickly jump into his arms, kneeling on my bed.

'I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry.' I repeat, crying again.

I feel him rub my back, but not saying anything.

'I love you, I love you. I'm so sorry.'

~Coming Back Home~ A Justin Bieber Love Story~Where stories live. Discover now