Chapter 2

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(Y/N)'s POV

I got my backpack and went outside to my car. I was about to get into my car until I heard my phone. I saw it was Byron.

"Hey Byron!"

"Hi (Y/N)! I wanted to know if you can give me a ride to school?"

"Yeah! Of course! I'll be there in 5 mins!"

"Thank you so much!"

"No problem! Bye!"

Call Ended

Time Skip to Byron's House

I parked in Byron's house and honked, to let him know that I'm outside.

Byron's POV

I was waiting for (Y/N) to pick me up. She's a great friend! I was about to. Call her until I heard a honk outside my house. Yup, she's here now! I ran to the door and left. I saw (Y/N)'s car and I ran to the car. I opened the door and greeted her.

"Good morning! :D "

"Good morning Byron!"

She stared the car and drove to school.

Time Skip to school

3rd POV

(Y/N) and Byron were waiting for the other guys to come to school. Everyday they have to practice dancing and singing. They're the school's band and dance group. Every school has a dance and band group. Sometimes the schools would versus each other. But it would get every violent sometimes. The band would fight with the other band and other stuff. But, the good thing is that
(Y/N)'s school always wins!

Hey guys! I want to say that I happy that this book got a few reads! ^_^

Also that the pic is Byron! The next chapter I'm gonna tell u about him! So


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Bye~! Love u guys!


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