Chapter 3

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(Y/N)'s POV

'Hmmm.... When are the other guys coming? It's almost time to get ready to practice. Maybe I should call Dylan'

I got my phone from my pocket and looked for Dylan's number.

'Aha! Found it!'

I pressed on his number.

Dylan's POV


'Oh shit shit shit!! Me and Max are going to die!'


Max and I were just walking to the woods cuz we had an hour left. So we decided to take a walk threw the woods.

It was a horrible idea. We were just walking until we both saw a guy being killed by this guy!

Then Max stepped on a branch and the snap echoed. Then the guy saw us. He started running towards us! So we both started running. 

Max fell on a rock. I turned and saw he fell. Then the guy was almost close to Max. Max got up and started running towards me.


Max's POV

I fell on a rock. 'Shit' I heard Max telling to hurry up and run. I got up and ran towards him. I looked behind me and saw that the guy was almost close to me.

I saw that Dylan hand his hand out In Front out him. I grabbed him hand. Then we both started running.

Then I heard Dylan's phone ring. He didn't answer. I knew why. So we don't die. Then we saw the road that we came threw. I turned and saw that the guy was gone.....

(Y/N)'s POV

He didn't answer the phone? That's strange cuz when I call him he usually answer the phone. Then the door
Was slammed opened and saw Max and Dylan. They were both pale if they saw a ghost or something.

Hey guys! I hope you guys liked this chapter! :3



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