(Did I scare ya?)Hey guys, Happy Halloween!!
(11/10/15) And I left lol
I remember this day. I had to go to Garba later that night instead of going trick or treating. I did absolute nothing that day and was just being lazy. It was fun.(24/11/15)
It was a Saturday tho. Lately I haven't been doing anything on Saturday's. It's been my lazy "off" day. I'd be on my bed and just now do work of any kind.Last weekend, I got a needle shot (It's Monday Night/Tuesday and it still hurts). It probably hurts cuz I got punched a couple times on that spot and also because I've been sleeping on it.
I like the look of italics. Its really pretty and I feel it showcases the feel of writing in a diary. Well if you look past the actual physical writing component of it.
Something that's like floating around my head is this guy. Lately I've been seeing him around more (I haven't actually but it feels like it) and I know its not him that I miss; its the feelings that came with it. The way he made me feel and all those memories that we had together, that's what I miss. Woah, I wrote a page.
I'm supposed to be finishing off my resume and doing my cover letter right now but I feel so tired and want to do anything but that. I'm probably just going to finish my resume and go to sleep. For those that are wondering why on Earth I'm doing a resume and Adult things....its because this is an assignment. (Ik ik, I was shocked too because school is finally teaching us something that we need?)
I'm like a 15 Turing 16, softmore student.
That's grade 10 aka 10th year aka I'M IN MY SECOND YEAR OF HIGH SCHOOL.Something that kind've scared me was that today in my last period class, my teacher looked me in the eyes and asked if I had been crying. What do you respond to that other than no? Like even if I had, I wouldn't say that I was....
I just told her that u was really tired and that's why I might've looked like that. My classmate later informed me that I shouldn't have said no because my eyes were crazy red and I could've passed as "high" if I hadn't been crying. She told me that now the teacher thinks I do drugs.
Guys idek what to do. I haven't nor do I ever plan on taking drugs. Except for Advil. I need that ish a few times a month so I don't kill a person. Funny enough, I know who I would "get rid off" first.
I'm starving, and tired, plus its almost 2am and I have to finish something.
Your bish is gone.