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Niall was in the room when Liam walked in, sat in a chair next to the bed, the light and telly both off, like he'd been waiting for Liam.

"Where the fuck have you been?"

And just like that, every ounce of happiness he'd been feeling seconds ago drained out of Liam, replaced by doubt, and guilt, and anger.

"Well, hello to you too," Liam said, his voice flat and toneless.

Niall huffed as he got to his feet. "Fuck, sorry. It's just, it's past midnight...where have you been all day? I was looking for you."

"I went shopping this morning," Liam told him as he tossed his things into the corner. "Then I spent the day on the beach."

"You were on the beach this late at night? In just your pants?" Niall asked sharply, and something about his accusing tone didn't sit well with Liam.

"Jesus christ, Niall, you don't see me questioning your every move," though maybe I should, he added internally. "But if you must know, I went for a swim on the roof."


Liam wiped a hand over his face, buying time. "Why do you even care? I thought you wanted me to hook up with other people."

"You were with that curly haired motherfucker, weren't you? Calum said he saw you eating lunch with him."

Liam didn't respond, just headed towards the loo to take a shower without saying a word. But Niall followed him, clearly not finished with his interrogation.

"Or were you with that pretty bloke, the one you're always staring at?"

Liam blanched, moving to turn on the shower so that Niall couldn't see his face. He hadn't realized he'd been that obvious. Well, actually he knew that he'd been really goddamn obvious; he just hadn't thought that Niall cared enough to notice. He stepped under the spray of water before it had even warmed up, needing the separation from Niall that the shower curtain provided him. But Niall didn't let him hide, yanking the curtain open and standing right in front of him, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Who were you with, Liam?"

"Why are you even bothering me about this?" Liam asked, exasperated. "Shouldn't you be busy getting fucked by Luke? Or was it Calum's turn today?"

Niall's whole demeanor shifted instantly, the anger seeming to melt away as he remembered the previous night's activities. He looked so satisfied, smug really, not just with the memory of the foursome but with having finally gotten Liam to do what he wanted.

"Don't act like such a fucking boy scout. You fucked them too, so you can't get mad at me."

Liam gave up all pretense of actually showering, setting the shampoo down and turning to face Niall. "Is that why you wanted me to do it? So that you didn't have to feel guilty about doing it again and again?" Liam felt sick to his stomach, the urge to punch something - someone - almost overwhelming. He tamped it down, choosing to lash out with his words instead as he climbed out of the shower and grabbed a towel from the rack to wrap around his waist, not even bothering to dry off. "I can't believe you, Niall. Luke told me all about your little 'plan' to get me to do what you wanted. You knew I would cave if you acted pissed off."

"It wasn't acting, Liam," Niall spat, Liam's name sounding like a curse on his tongue. "I wasn't faking shit. You've been acting like a prude ever since I brought up this trip and I couldn't fucking stand it anymore."

"You played on my desire to make my boyfriend happy and manipulated me into hooking up with them!"

"Well it's true, innit? Every since uni, you've made it your life's mission to be the perfect boyfriend, always trying so damn hard to make me happy. It's what made me fall for you, but goddamn, it's exhausting trying to do the same."

If You Were Mine (Ziam/Niam/Zarry)Where stories live. Discover now