The Trip (6)

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Blood. Blood everywhere. Not mine. Not my parent's. Ricky fucking Morton. That little dweeb won't mess with me again. If it's Mr Monster, then I'm on my way to evening out the score, though I won't be even with him until he pays for what he did.

I was sent home early that day, following the brawl in the lunch hall. Rebecca came to pick me up. She tried to look disappointed in me as she gave the teacher and Mrs Morton a very sincere apology, but she just wasn't harsh enough to even do that to me. "I will ensure that he doesn't do that again" is as stern as she gets. She's the innocent flower without the serpent under it. A dog without the bark nor the bite.

When I arrived at the orphanage (still not ready to call this place my home, with all the monsters, big or little, roaming about) everyone else was still at school. Rebecca tried to get me talking but I wouldn't listen, or rather I couldn't hear her over the sound of my awesomeness in Tekken, full blast; headphones unnecessary with nobody to distract. I know Rebecca is just worried about me, but I just need to let off some steam before I try to explain myself, or else I'll let my few emotions that I have left get the best of me and ruin my chances of an honest portrayal of what happened. I needed to beat someone up, so it was either Zafina (I'd hit dat ass) or Rebecca (same scenario).
Again, I was not a six year old pervert, nor am I one now.

Though she's not mean, she is persistent. She carried on calling me and calling me in hopes of getting my attention (all she had to do is take her- okay, too much). "Isn't it time to pick up the little ones now?" I ask, knowing she can no longer bother me with questions as she has to fulfil her duties as an orphanage mother (is that what they're called?) I really hoped that she would say "Oh shit!" and break the act, but she keeps the goodie-goodness up with an "Oh Cricky!" instead.

Unwillingly, I go along with her, since she refuses to leave me by myself in the house, or anyway for that matter. Whether it's because of my age or due to what I did I'm not sure, but I say that I'll work on it regardless. And I will try to earn her trust, I truly will.

She makes me hold her hand, to which I give her a serious look of disapproval, and since the little ones go to my school (or I go to their school) I also have to see my friends and fellow peers as they watch me holding hands with her. I give her a death stare, wanting to get away. I know that it won't be looked down upon, since we all hold our mum's hand. But she's not my mother, so to me it just doesn't feel right.

Not much happened after that for that day, it was quite boring. What was interesting was the news of a trip out somewhere tomorrow. I assumed that I wouldn't be given the chance to go after what I did, but I was actually pleased to be told otherwise.

No monster meetings, he must be tired after the amount of time he's been giving me, not that I asked for it. I wonder how he escapes his asylum to find me. I doze off without realising. It's odd that when you try to stay away you feel more sleepy, but sometimes when you try to sleep you just have too much energy. Your mind bounces from one idea to the next like a bee gathering pollen, hopping from flower to flower - absorbing all that one has to offer, or even going off and coming back to it for more. Our mind is less orderly, similar to a ball in a pinball machine; pushed and shoved all over the place, when it only tries to be put to rest. Did you know that sleeping on your stomach causes sexier dreams?

And as fast as you fall asleep, you wake up to a new day. Senseless for hours, anything could've happened. Things are always going on in the world: people are always dying.
The sun shines on the earth always, changing sides as our mind does. Rise & shine. I anticipate what possible adventures await us, trying to be more optimistic. Maybe I'm just glad that I'm finally fighting back, I will no longer be the one getting hurt; maybe it's better to be the one hurting others instead. In this world, the powerful devour the weak to become stronger, it's one of the various cycles of life. I am not the prey, I am the hunter. In a game of cat and mouse, he is the cat hunting me down, but I'll be on his tail soon enough. Jerry always beat Tom.

Joey SmallWhere stories live. Discover now