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I woke up early in the morning habitual of my daily routine. I woke up daily early in the morning to practice. Practice is what I did with so much dedication in my entire life. That's the reason why I woke up so early even after having so many injuries on my body. Not that this pain will make me sleep more than I usually sleep. I slowly opened my eyes. Being winter, it was very dark. Probably it was before dawn time. I searched for my phone which was right where I left it last night. It was 5 O'clock. I was already missing my practice and might sneak out, but I don't want to disappoint the person who made me stay at his place and is so determined to take care of me whole this week. I don't really know why he is doing this and why I even agreed to stay here,. Maybe because my injuries are serious. I am just so glad that Dev didn't break my bone. 

The dawn was already beginning and the ray of morning sunshine was entering through the window which was on the opposite side of the room. As the light filled in the room, I found myself alone in bed. Last night I remembered falling asleep while talking with Parth and Zi. I thought they must be sleeping beside me, or at least one of them as we all three won't fit on this queen size bed. 

Why they call it queen size.? 

Queen only knows. 

I studied the room and by lifting up my body I found a silent and peaceful boy sleeping on the floor. Why did he take floor instead of sleeping on his bed. It's his bed, he must be the one sleeping here. 

That's not fair. 

I just moved my body up resting my back on the bed's back and I realized I feel less pain than yesterday, those medicines really worked. I think I will be fine in less than three days and that stupid doctor said I need not to practice for a week. Really..? How dumb he was.

I called Zi remembering about the practice. He must already be on the tennis court and I want to know how he is doing there alone. Since we teamed up we never practiced alone, not even a single day. If one doesn't come to practice other skips too. But this time it's not for one or two days, it's about a whole weak and as far as The Ziyan I know, he won't skip his practice for that long. Also, he has to practice for our single tournament cause our doubles tournament are having less chances to win if I stay here like this.

"What are you doing up so early..? Don't tell me you are planing to come here for prac..." Zi picked the call and without hi or hello started scolding me.

"Zi, gosh. I am not planning anything like that. Do you think Parth will allow me to.?" I whispered. "And I just called to know how you doing there alone..?" I whispered again.

"Why are you whispering..?" 

"Because I don't want to wake him up." I pointed at Parth then realize Zi can't see me.


"Don't 'Ohhhh' me Ziyan and answer my question."  

"Well, yesterday I told Coach Sir about your condition and how you can't practice for a few days. So Coach asked me to give lessons to damn annoying kids, who are getting on my nerves. Why they have to be so annoying..?" Hehe, Zi hates kids. He hates his annoying little sister too, and trust me if you tell him to handle a bunch of kids together, he will be so frustrated by the end of the day. 

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