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Leaving Ryan back there, I felt like my life was slipping out of my hands.

The life where I want Ryan and I to fit together, where only he and I can be together and no one else could come between us.

Fantasizing is good, but a too much hope is always evil.

When I asked Nayan that I want to see Ryan and knowing Ryan's condition, I insisted Nayan over and over to make an arrangement for making it possible. Nayan was the only one who had witnessed the Ryan's vulnerability. Despite of his attempts to help Ryan, he felt like calling me might be fruitful and that's why he agreed to invite me, when his mother went on shopping.

When I entered into that apartment. It felt like a link, connecting two heart's.

As Ryan came Running from somewhere inside and collided with me, squeezing me into his arms, crying, but with a relief.

Like he has been waiting for my arms for eternity.

Those few moments, I got to spend with him, it was like the hardest moment of my life.

Making him feel strong by being strong, when from inside I was actually wreaked.

I was broken, but I had to try my best to make him feel that everything will be fine and no matter what, he should keep his hope's high and keep his faithon me.

And no matter what he has to trust that I was going to bring him back, to me.

When I was not sure about it myself.!

How it's gonna be fine when he is still in there, living with the people who had tormented his entire life?

That place was something where I never want Ryan to stay, but my hands were bound with this legal affair from which, no matter what we have to go through and just wait for the result.

No, I was not ok with that.!

Who are you to decide with whom he has to stay. It's his life, he has to decide it. He has right's to decide it. So what he is not an adult, it's still his life.

And I was tired of hearing it over and over, that it works that way, under legal boundaries or if anything goes against, it will cost with Ryan's future.

His future is what matters to me and with that I can't take any risk.

Not when I want his future to be with me. A life where he and I will live a happy life, together. Where he can be a big bright tennis star and I'll be a small part of his wonderful world.


A wonderful and a happy life with Ryan.

That's what I want and for that I can only hope that my dad would do his best to win Ryan's custody to Mr. Rajput.

"Watch where you are walking, kid."

I bumped into a man, while walking out of Ryan's building. I was not aware where I was walking. I was wrapped into my thought's until I bumped into this man, who rudely pushed me away from his body. I looked up to apologize, but looking his face, all my nerves burnt with a rage, that I was bolting inside me.

"Wait, I have seen you." He said taking a close look at me. I tightened my fist, controlling it from doing any harm and listened to him as he continues, "You are one of the fan-boy of Ryan.? Am I correct?"

"I am his... friend." I corrected him in a sharp tone.

"Oh, friend. Hope this friend has a name?" He asked slyly. His behavior was so real that he could fool anyone who doesn't know his real face behind his mask. His face was making me harm him, but I had to control my anger, for sake of Ryan and answer his questioning eyes. 

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