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Things for homosexuals have gotten really bad.

My name is Louis Tomlinson and this is my journal.

I am going to tell you about the place we all call Homo Hell. The real name for the facility is Homosexualis Carcerum which means Homosexual Jail in Latin. We don't feel like saying that every time we talk about it so we just call it Homo Hell.

First you have the Enforcers. The Enforcers are the people who make all of the gay laws. The most serious law is that if you are caught being gay in any way then you must be arrested immediately and taken to the Carcerum.

The people that take you to the Carcerum are called the Jailers. The Jailers are very scary people who are like police officers. Personally, I would rather have a police officer take me away. Being taken away by a Jailer is one of the scariest things that could ever happen to you. They wear black suits that shine like fire and they have weapons that I don't even know the names of. They are always masked so that you cant see the face of the person that is essentially ruining your life.

Next you have the Guards that you are greeted by when you enter the Homo Hell. The Guards are sometimes nice but most of them are really brutal and mean. It is very rare to find a decent Guard. They are just in charge of making sure that none of us try to escape or do anything else stupid.

Then, you have the Helpers. The Helpers are a part of the first stage of the Healing Process. They are the female prostitutes that are assigned to you. They are forced to have sex with the men because the Enforcers think that this will partially cure our "problem". They are just really stupid. I admit, it works on some of us, or some of us pretend that it works,  but if you are truly gay, it is not going to work for you.

Next you have the Healers who are a part of stage two of the Healing Process. The Healers are just like teachers in a school, but all they teach you about is how horrible being gay is. They teach you that you will go to hell for it and that we are all ruining our lives by being gay. That is so stupid.

Once you are done the Healing Process they assign you to your cell and then they auction us off.

They bring in rich women and their fathers and the literally sell us. The woman comes in and chooses one of us that she likes. She gets to spend three days and three nights with whichever man she chooses. If she does not grow to love the person that she chose she does not get to pick again. She has to go to the next Homo Hell and see if there are any men there for her.

If you are not picked then you stay in the Homo Hell until you are chosen. I have been chosen a few times by the women but I made sure that none of them ever wanted to take me home with them. I am proud that I am gay and I am not going to leave with some broad just to get out. And plus, I wouldn't want to leave my friend Niall behind alone, he doesn't get chosen a whole lot.

Lastly, you have the Enders. The Enders are assigned to 'end' us if we are caught by a guard doing anything dumb like trying to run away. The Enders also torture us if they are assigned to. They are even more scary than the Jailers.

That is the whole process.

I was fine with staying in the Homo Hell for the rest of my life, until I ran across a problem.

During the part when the women come in to pick us, a woman did not come in, a man did.

That had never happened before and there was no rule that said:

"A man is not allowed to come and choose, only women."

I guess that the Enforcers did not make that rule because they didn't think that any man would ever, ever even think about doing that.

The problem for me was not the fact that he came, the problem was that he was very attractive and I could feel myself falling for him.

I didn't want to leave with him because I had too much pride and I didn't want to leave Niall.

I didn't know what I was going to do if he chose me.......

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