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jack was nervous when saturday rolled around.

flora had asked him on tuesday if he wanted to go to the spring festival together. after she assured him that she'd be fully recovered from her cold by saturday, he said yes. at the time, it had sounded like a pleasant idea - they could be all romantic and whatever, like in the movies.

but now, he felt like he might not even be able to step outside the door. his stomach had been doing somersaults since friday evening, when it occurred to him that he was going on a date with flora madison...

but he knew that he couldn't ditch her because oh my god she's flora madison and oh my god she's in love with me.

the colors on saturday morning seemed especially bright, with a watercolor sunrise, an endlessly blue sky, and cotton candy clouds.

jack had sorted through his closet late friday night and eventually settled on a light gray t-shirt, a pair of dark blue jeans, and his favorite pair of red chucks.

he checked the time. 10:45 am. they'd agreed to meet at noon; he had plenty of time.

jack found his way to the bathroom. his outfit choice didn't look stupid, thank god. he fiddled with his hair until it looked alright, then brushed his teeth and gargled some mouthwash.

okay. get ready, dude. you might be going on your first date with your future wife.

of course, it was unlikely that their relationship would end up with them getting married, seeing as their "relationship" was basically nonexistent. jack knew this very well, but there was no harm in fantasizing about them getting married, right? right.

after slicking on some deodorant, jack felt his stomach rumble.

well, that sound resembled a whale's mating call, jack thought to himself. he decided to have some cheerios to fill his empty stomach.

after pouring himself a bowl of cereal (milk first, then cereal, which many found peculiar for some reason) and chowing down on his breakfast, his phone buzzed. flora had sent him a text:

are we meeting at the festival??

jack quickly typed out a reply:

yeah unless the world ends before noon in which case u know i dont think itll really matter

after a brief moment, flora replied:

that was awfully morbid... anyway do you think maybe you could pick me up???

and not even a second later, she sent him another text:

if it's not too much trouble or anything

for some reason, that text made jack smile. perhaps it was because he thought flora was being shy, but in the most adorable way. perhaps it was simply because she thought it'd be too much trouble. for heaven's sake, it was flora madison, the kindest person jack had ever met and arguably one of the most selfless people in the entire world.  of course, that's not to mention that feeling in jack's stomach that flora gave him when she spoke to him. jack typed out his short response and sent it to her:

of course. just need ur address

jack imagined a faint blush blooming across her cheeks as she read it.

flower girl // hiatusWhere stories live. Discover now