Snow || Kuroo Tetsurou

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Requested by Sarcastic_Dinosaur


"Kuroo, I wanna bury you on the snow." You said out of the blue as you kept staring at the snow outside. You and Kuroo were outside of your house. Since your parents weren't home, you invited Kuroo to stay with you. So the both of you ended up outside, sitting on the porch of your house, drinking hot chocolate.

"Wha? Why?" He looked at you with one eyebrow raised as he awaited for your answer.

"Because," You faced him with a straight face which sent shivers down on Kuroo's spine. "You would look fat and I thought it would be cute~"

"How sweet." Kuroo said sarcastically as he, too, looked at the white gleaming snow. "I'll do it once. But only once." He nodded as he faced you. Your eyes glimmered in excitement as you stood up and practically dragged Kuroo towards your lawn.

Kuroo slowly layed down on the cold snow, letting out a small groan once his back touched the icy snow. You gave him a sly smile before completely burying him in the cold snow.

You clapped your hands together as your eyes gleamed in satisfaction after the minutes of working hard in burying Kuroo, you finally finished it. 

"Now get this off of me. It's getting cold." Kuroo complained as he used his head to gesture you to remove him from the heap of snow. 

"Nopppe~!" You said popping the letter 'p'. 

"C'mon don't leave me here to freeze!"

"Byyeee~!" You skipped happily towards your house.


"I love you too~!" You teased as you winked and closed the front door shut.


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