Chapter 12: A Regular Day

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The two days Sasuke had to spent in the hospital went by fast. Naruto came for both days and only left because Sasuke kept arguing that he was okay and that Naruto was worrying too much. Also because Sakura threatened that she would ban him from ever visiting Sasuke again if he didn't leave.

Naruto didn't like to leave Sasuke alone in the hospital by himself, especially because he felt like it was his fault he ended up in the hospital in the first place. Sasuke kept trying to convince Naruto that it wasn't his fault, that Kyzu was just too strong, but as usual, the blond didn't listen.

On a different note, yesterday Naruto had been feeling guilty about keeping his relationship a secret from Iruka. He felt even more guilty now that everyone knew of their relationship except for him. Iruka was the first to treat Naruto like a real person and actually cared for him, so he felt obligated to tell him.

Sasuke told Naruto that if he felt so guilty he should go to the academy and tell him. Truthfully, Naruto worried that Iruka wouldn't accept them, but somehow Sasuke managed to talk him into it.


Naruto was on his way to the academy to tell Iruka about everything that's happened in the past six months. With each step, Naruto felt more and more nervous and several times he almost turned around and chickened out.

He began shaking slightly when the academy came into view. "Alright everyone dismissed!" Naruto heard a familiar voice say. Iruka had just dismissed his students.

Naruto walked onto the grounds of the school, dodging and weaving, trying not to get trampled by the kids running past him. Just up ahead he saw Iruka turn around and start walking back inside the academy building. Naruto picked up his pace and ran towards him screaming, "Iruka-Sensei!"

Iruka heard his name being called from behind him. He turned around to see his favorite, hyperactive, student running towards him. Naruto came to an abrupt stop in front of Iruka.

"Hey, Naruto," Iruka said cheerfully. "What's up?" He smiled, happy to finally see the blond ball of energy after what seemed like years.

"Well..." Naruto trailed off. He scratched the back of his head and looked anywhere, but at his old sensei. "I kind of need to talk to you, i-in private."

"Sure, come in my office," Iruka said noticing Naruto's strange behavior. He turned and led Naruto into the academy to his office.

They made it to Iruka's office and an uncomfortable silence fell between them. Naruto stood there trying to find a way to explain to Iruka about what's happened in the past few months.

"So what's bothering you?" Iruka asked, breaking the silence and Naruto's train of thought.

"Well, you know that your the first person who's ever been nice to me as a kid and I think of you as a father right?" Iruka nodded and Naruto continued, "Well that's why I need to tell you this, but first you have to promise me you won't hate me or think of me any differently than you do now." Naruto said in a serious tone.

"Naruto I could never hate-"

"Promise!" Naruto interrupted. He gave Iruka a stern look.

"I promise," Iruka said startled by the blond's outburst. He gave Naruto a strange look.

"Good." Naruto's look softened. Another silence fell between them. He took a deep breath before continuing. "I-I'm..." Naruto trailed off. He closed his eyes tightly and clenched his fists. "I-I'm...g-gay." He finally said. "And I'm dating Sasuke." Naruto hung his head, not having the guts to look Iruka in the eye.

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