Jeff x EJ- Eyeless Jack POV

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I walk towards my room. It had been a long day of killing and I needed some time to relax and examine everything I got. There was a soft knock at the door.

"Diners waiting EJ, hurry up and bring your organs you got, okay?" LJ said, and he walked down the long hallway. I gather my organs and head to the kitchen. I arrive and hand them to Slendy. I don't really ever speak so gestures where enough for Slendy to understand. "Thanks EJ." He said and I walked to the table. I took my normal spot between LJ and Masky. LJ understood what I meant all the time, so it was easier. The only other CreepyPasta who could do this was BEN, but he was in this room playing video games and eating pizza. 

The food arrived and I grabbed my plate of organs. I slid my mask up to just over my lips and began eating. Masky nudged me. I turned, now confused as he said, "i will eat without my mask if you do. I mean, it will be easier." I stared at him considering, then nodded. They might as well all see my face, it's not like it matters too much. Masky removed his mask, then nodded at me, and I removed mine. Surprisingly no one had seen my face, except LJ and Slendy, so it was a little weird. Most had seen Masky's face though.

I awkwardly at my organs. As I ate, I noticed Jeff glancing at me. I gave him my confused stare. "So does this mean you will finally start talking?" Jeff asked, snickering. He was curious as to what was happening, that was for sure. I shook my head, though if I wanted I could speak. I wasn't sure how well my voice box worked, since I haven't talked for years, so I might have sounded like a dying walrus.

When everyone finished, I walked over to the fridge to store my organs. As I closed the door, I remembered my mask. I turned to find Jeff leaning over me, just. I tilted my head to the side. He held my mask above him, out of my reach.

"EJ, please," Jeff started. "I will give you your precious mask if you talk. I knew it had been a bad idea to eat without my mask. I looked down at my shoes. I really, REALLY, didn't want to talk. "Jeff, give me my mask," I said, my voice croaky. "I need it, give it." Jeff stared at me and slowly as smile crept onto his face.

"You're so cute," he said. "What...?" I replied, confused and desperate to get my mask back. Jeff leaned down and put on my mask, though it wasn't quite right, so I fixed it. He chuckled. Jeff pushed my mask up slightly, and as he did so I backed into the fridge. My face was burning. I didn't know what was happening.

Suddenly, Jeff tilted my head up and kissed me. It was soft and gentle. My eyes felt like the might pop out of my head, but slowly I relaxed. Before I knew it, I was kissing him back. Jeff slowly pulled away. He ruffled my hair, then turned and started walking.

I stepped forward and grabbed his wrist. He stopped and turned ever so slightly to look at me from the corner of his eye. "D-don't leave m-m-me..." I stammered, surprised at myself. My face was bright red and I felt my heart beating fast. What was I thinking?! Jeff smirked through his carved smile.

"Don't worry, I'll always be here for you."

I hope you all liked it! This is my first fanfic (that I've posted) so sorry if there are mistakes! I plan to write manyyyyyyy more fanfic/shippings so if anyone wants to suggest a couple, tell me :3

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