Chapter 29

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Cathlyn //

After class I immediately packed my things to visit and check Love. When Mark called me this morning and told me about what happened to her I can't think straightly and so worried about her. Such a reckless and crazy woman! What the hell was she thinking acting like a superhero?!

"Cath, please update me about Love's condition, ok?" Hannah was also worried about Love like me but she can't come because she have to go to Yuu-kun because he was sick and he's just living alone on his unit, "Tell her that I'm really sorry that I can't come and pay visit to her. Probably if I already assured that Yuu-kun is better now I'll follow."

I came to her and patted her shoulder, "Come on Hannah, you know she'll understand you, don't you?" I stated as I beamed her a smile as an assurance, "Just stay with Yuu-kun for now, leave that mad woman to me." I winked at her and took my things already then left.

I don't have my car today because my mom's car was broken and she asked for mine to borrow. I was waiting for a cab but it's all occupied, "Damn it! When I'm on hurry there's no ride?!" I hissed in annoyance but I don't have anything that I can do but to wait and wait.

When my patience was already on it's edge a red car suddenly stopped in front of me. I leaned down to check who's the owner and when the window opened it revealed Jr and Bambam who's the driver.

"Need a ride?" Bambam asked as he was wearing his infamous smile. I then cracked a big smile as I saw them, my saviors!

"You're going to visit Love, right? Let's go we're heading there too." Jr stated then went down and pushed me to the front seat while he say on the back seat.

I was still startled to what JR did so, I haven't fasten my seatbelt yet. That's why Bambam leaned towards me and he did it for me, "You're welcome." He muttered then winked at me that made me blushed so, I immediately diverted my gazes outside the window to hide my embarrassed face but I failed because of this jerk guy behind me.

"You look like a tomato now, Cath." He murmured that made me blushed even more.

"S-Shut it, Jr!" I shuttered that made him laughed, "C-Can we just go now?!" I said annoyed that made him laughed harder. Aist! This jerk!

"Ok, that's enough Jr." Bambam finally piped up, but when I turned to him I saw that he was just trying to contain his laughter that made me blushed again, "You're really so cute, Cathlyn." He complimented but that didn't helped at all because I felt like I was about to explode in so much embarrassment. Ugh! I was wrong thinking thy they're my saviors?!


After twenty minutes of hell ride with the annoying tease duo Jr and Bambam I immediately came out from the car and I breath deeply then caressed my temple because of headache thanks to these two jerks.

Jr barged in inside the house like he's the owner, real friends be like "Let's go inside now?" Bambam who appeared on my back piped up that startled me, "Hey, are you ok?" He asked with a low chuckle.

"Y-Yeah, let's go!" I replied and forced a smile. Oh my god Cathlyn, what the hell is happening to you?!

Jr opened the door already and came in and we just followed him, "Hello everyone! The most handsome guy on earth is already here!" He shouted like he's one of those psych patient we took care of in the mental institution.

"You haven't changed at all, Jr?" A little girl piped up and welcomed us first, she might be Mark's sister?

"Hi Baby Aika! It's been awhile?" Jr cheerfully greeted her and was about to give her a hug but she dodged it making Jr fell on the couch, "Hey! Why did you do that?!" Jr protested but she just ignored him.

To FALL in Love or To be FOOL in Love[EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now