Rapunzel, Rapunzel.

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Hi, hope you enjoy this story, I think you will. For people who just statred reading, and realized that there was only one chapter, I am very sorry. I know how it feels. I will try to update speedy soon. Thank you for reading though.

“Rapunzel,” I heard my father yell, he came up the stairs, and slammed my door open.

“Yes father,” I avoided any eye contact.

“Why aren’t the clothes all washed?”

‘You told me to do the dishes,” I said, hoping he would calm down.

“You told me to do the dishes,” he mocked in a girly voice. He walked up to me. I felt his hand smack my face. It felt like a million of bees had stung me there. I stayed in the position, scared to move an inch. When he backed away, I made an attempt.

“I will start that now, if you would like,”

“No,” he was yelling again. This time so loud, my ear drums were about to burst. “I am going into town.” I ran over to my bed. He came over, and started tying my hair around me, and the bed. He had done this so many times; I knew what to do if he even were to bring up the town in the slightest way.

 I had often thought about cutting my hair, so he could not do this, but I only failed. I could not do that anymore, I was too afraid. I had thought about cutting my hair, and then running away, but I knew that he would find me.

He walked over to my window, being the only way out of this tower, and climbed down to side of the tower. I heard the noise, and had recognized it. Sometimes, I would find ways to write, and make plans of leaving while he was gone. Sometimes I would draw, which had become one of my favorite hobbies. He did not like this hobby, and would throw my artwork in the creek or in the fireplace if he found it. I had found a way to hide it though.

This was going to be a very quick trip though, so finding something to occupy my time, besides thinking, would be dangerous. He had once hung me up, and had beaten me with a whip for a long time. I almost died. I would never let him catch me again, for I was scared of what might happen.

I heard a noise, was father home early from the visit in town? Perhaps so, or perhaps it was something else. The noise was different. This time there was an unusual clanking noise, along with the noise of feet hitting the side of the tower.

I should not be silly. Of course it was my father, who else would climb the tower, and if somebody did, why? What would they be looking for? I gasped; perhaps somebody was searching for me! I could be out of this tower!

Of course that would not happen though. I had been missing for twenty something years. They would think me dead by now, or would give up on finding me.

The noise was nearing the window, and I got prepared to see my grumpy, old father walk in, with a pail of some sort. Perhaps the pail would be filled with vegetables.

But it, or he, or maybe she, entered, I could tell that it was not my father. I bit of excitement went through me as I watched it, he, or she enter.

The light was shining, and birds were singing, as he stood there. He was gorgeous. A nice inviting smile on his face, he looked over at me, probably seeing a dirty woman tied up in her own hair. His eyes were a beautiful shade of green. Mine were probably a shade similar to baby poo green.  Maybe caterpillar gut or moldy lasagna even, who knows?

I watched mesmerized by what I saw before me.

He walked over, and started untying my hair. Eventually I had become free from the bed, and he asked, “Who did this to you, and where is this person?” I didn’t pay that much attention to the question. His voice was so deep, and amazing. I snapped back to reality to answer.

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