Only time can tell (jaden smith luv story) chapter 14

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Jaden POV

Jaden: hold on Aubree , ok

Aubree nodded her head and I went out the balcony to answer the phone. I stepped outside and answered.

Jaden: what do you want Stella

Stella: I need to talk to you , its an emergency

Jaden: What do you mean its an emergency

Stella: Look Jaden , it will be better if I just met you somewhere

I sigh , and look out the window to see if Aubree is ok

Jaden: *blows breath* alright where

Stella: At starbucks on ninth avenue , and Jaden please come its really imporant

Jaden: Alright , i will. And it better be imporant

Stella: trust me , it is

I hang up the phone and walk back inside in my room. I wonder what is the emergency , knowing Stella she doesnt play games like this.

Aubree POV

When Jaden came back inside the room , he looked real nervous and scared. It must of had of been a real frightening phone call

Aubree: whats wrong

Jaden started scratching his head

Jaden: huh

Aubree: whats wrong

Jaden: nothing. Sorry but um I got to met a friend somewhere so...

Aubree: oh its cool , we can go

I start walking towards his bedroom door in till he stops me by calling my name

Jaden: wait Aubree

Aubree: yes

Jaden: your forgetting something

I start checking myself and looks around the room

Aubree: what

Jaden: my kiss

Aubree: oh , so you still want that kiss

I start poking out my lip

Jaden: yeah , i kinda do

Aubree: late

I head out the door and went flying down the stairs. I just love teasing Jaden.

Jaden POV

After I dropped Aubree off at home , I went to start to Starbucks to met Stella. A million questions are running through my mind right about now. What could possible be so imporant right now that she had to call me. I havent seen Stella in a while , so it was kind of bittersweet to be talking to her right now. I wont lie , I still got feeling for her because you never forget about your first. I walk straight inside and she Stella sitting at one of the tables drinking an carmel latte. It was one of her favorites. She was looking good though , i wont lie. I went by the table and sat across from her. Here goes nothing.

Jaden: what up

She gave me the "ugh" face

Stella: your late

Jaden: Sorry , i had to do something real quick

Stella: yeah , like dropping off your new girlfriend at home

Jaden: wait what

Stella: I know about her , dont forget I read the magazines . Whats her name , Annie or something...

Jaden: Her name is Aubree , and I hope we are not here to talk about her

Stella: Oh god no , its more important.

Jaden: Like what

Stella: Jaden I really dont know how to say this but pregrant

I was just shocked and confused all a once. This cant be real right now

Jaden: wait , your pregrant.

I started whispering my voice down

Jaden: it mine

Stella: NO!!!!

She says with an attitude

Stella: This is what I came here to talk to you about....... its your friend Mosies

Jaden: Mosies is the father!!!!

She nodded her head and took another sip of her latte

I felt angry and upset and sad and mostly angry all in one. I felt like flipping this table and going crazy. She could tell I was mad so she put her hand on mine. Thats when I fly her hand off of me and went flying out the door. I can hear Stella telling to come back , but I didnt listen. I hopped in my limo and told my driver to head start to Mosies and Mateo house. I was so heated , I didnt know what to do with myself. I couldnt stand the fact that Mosies my bro , will stab me in my back like that. Finally the driver pulled up to Mosies and Mateo house and I knocked on the door even rang the door a couple of times for them to get the hint to hurry up and open up the dang door. Finally , Mateo answered it and I went flying inside his house.

Mateo: Dang man , can I get a hello

Jaden: were the hell is Mosies

Mateo: Mosies...


Mateo: He's upstairs , what the problem

I ingores what he said and went upstairs , stomping like hell. I reached up to Mosies room and opened the so wide it almost broke. Mosies was laying on the bed , on his phone playing a game.

Jaden: What the hell were you thinking!!!!!!!!!!!

Mosies: wait....what the hell bro

Jaden: Dont call me bro , what the hell were you thinking getting Stella pregrant

Mosies: Wait , Wait , she's pregrant

Jaden: Dont act dumb

Mosies stood up and said

Mosies: Im not acting , just calm down and...

I pushed him back down on the bed and went flying downstairs.

Mateo: Bro , what the hell

I ingored him again and started walking outside there house. I hopped back inside in the limo and drove off. I need someone to talk to about this and someone who will understand where I am coming from. I know , exactly the person who I can talk to calm my madness down. I told my driver to head to Aubree house and he can just drop me off there. After a while , he dropped me off and I walked up to Aubree's door. I knocked on it a couple of times in till she finally answered. I heard he say "alright , alright , im coming" She opened the door and had a shocked look on his face.

Aubree: Um....Jaden what are you doing here

Jaden: I still didnt get my kiss

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