A cold chill runs through my entire body as I walk through my garden outside. The weather has been changing lately. It is what we Kupierans consider Splash Spring. We have seasons just like people on Earth. Our seasons are Splash Spring, Cool Spring, Splash Summer, Blaze Summer, and Winter. Splash Spring is the time when we welcome our newborn children. Although, a few children are born within the other seasons. It is also, a time when we splash in the rejuvenating spa waters in the palace gardens. Our unique Splash Wing Horses appear during this season with their young. The animals let us ride them and chose who will be our work companions. In this manner, the horses get to go back home with their family. They only aid us in battle, work, and during the two splash seasons. Cool Spring is more like Earth's Spring, but flowers start blooming in Splash Spring. Splash Summer is windy like Fall on Planet Earth. Blaze Summer is hot. Last summer it was so hot we had to stay indoors the entire summer. Winter is cold, but this year's winter was colder than usual.
I look up at the sky as I have seen both American and European citizens do on Earth. The clouds are usually light peach, white, or light blue. Today, the clouds are turquoise. The air...something is different about it. It feels like a mixture of humid air from Louisiana and Frigid Air from Frigid City. It is then, I notice our sun is further away than usual. How can that possibly be? Is our planet drifting away from our sun? Surely, I am mistaken, but I better check with our scientists to make sure. For now, I just want to continue my walk through the gardens.
I follow the familiar path to the forbidden section of the gardens. Once there, I am greeted by Storm. "Good morning, your highness."
"Good morning, Storm. How are you?"
"Rather cold sir." Storm replies as he grabs his Turfur Jacket. He puts it on while shivering.
"Me too, which is very odd for this time of year." I reply.
"Sure is. Can I make a request your highness?"
"Sure, Storm. What is it?"
"Can I go check on my wife and kids? Geo, will take my place here while I am gone."
I consider his words for a few seconds and smile. Storm and Geo are both excellent workers. They haven't had any home time in weeks. Usually, my people can go home daily. Not anymore, we just got back from aviation training. We learned what to do in case there is a large-scale evacuation. I am exhausted, but this walk always helps. Seeing their families and getting some rest will help my workers.
"Sure Storm. Please, let Geo know he can go home too. Come back in two days. I will let the other men and women know once I finish my walk."
"Thanks, your highness! I will let him know. "
"You're welcome." I reply, but instead of waiting I send my brother Kent a telepathic message.
"Kent let the men and women know they can go home but be back in two days. I would let them stay longer but this climate shift has me concerned. The sun is no longer close to our planet."
"Sure brother. Will do." Kent sends back to me.
I enter my code on the digital panel on the outside wall. The forbidden garden gates open. I continue the short walk to the flowers and the gates shut behind me like I programmed them to.
My fingers gently caress the petals of the flower connected to me. The flower that blossomed from the ashes of my pain. Tears fall as I remember the day it blossomed two years ago. The day I found my wife in the bed with King Ravlion.
An intense pain course through me.
I fall to my knees and shriek.
"Kupiershitz! This hurts worse than being stung by a Blazebree!"
His Rose Her Destiny
SpiritualKay li Peters He protects everyone he cares for. I am not one of those people. Who is this he? He is the Chief of the Intergalactic Police. His real name is Prince Regent Ashton Brentian. The man is old, but how old I honestly don't know. I do know...