Chapter 2

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  • Dedicated to To all you Clive Dove fangirls out there

“Clive, Dinners ready”

“Not hungry”

“You have to eat Clive; otherwise you’ll starve yourself to death” Jenny came and sat next to me on my bed, in the orphanage. She was my carer until I was adopted off to another family.

“I ate yesterday, so I’m not staving myself” I said. Also, there was another reason why I don’t want to go down there. Well, I was trying to forget what actually happened, but the memory was still stuck in my head too well.


“Boys, this is Clive, now be nice now”

Another one of the foster carers, Duke, walked me into the room, and then left as soon as most of them said something to me. I soon regretted him leaving though. “Jackson Samson” a boy of around 17 walked up behind me, making me jump when he spoke.

“Hi I’m-” I said, until something sharp was shoved down my throat. Jackson tightly put one hand on my mouth, the other one forcefully stroking my throat, so I couldn’t scream. He let go once he could tell I swallowed whatever went into my mouth, and the rest of them went off to their rooms laughing. Once Duke came in to clean up, I was choking, so he automatically took me straight to Accident and Emergency, and the results shown he had shoved a blade down my throat for some unknown reason. So last night, I had to have an operation to have it taken out my stomach (and that was another reason I wasn’t hungry, I feel too sick to eat). At the moment, I’d rather be with the girls than suffer that again.


I was lying on the bed silently, until a girl of about 13 came into my room. “Are you the kid that was bullied by Jackson?” she asked.

Since it wasn’t any of the guys, I decided to answer “Unfortunately”

She sat down next to me on the bed. “I’m Kiki. Kiki Anderson” she then gave me a sympathetic look. “Don’t worry, I lost both my parents in explosions, my mum in one at the hospital 7 years ago, she was a nurse there and my dad in an accident similar to how you lost yours”

“Thanks for reminding me” I said, rolling over so she couldn’t see my eyes go watery.

“Clive, you’re going to get adopted off really soon, most of us here are already teenagers, and the people who come here always go off with the cute ones anyway”

“I’d still rather be back with my parents” I muttered. “They probably would make me feel much happier” I rolled back over to face her.

Kiki sighed. “I guess I’m not going to win then” she looked me straight into the eyes. “Anyway, how is your English so good for your age? You’re saying words I only recently learnt and you’re about 5 years younger than me”

“I’ve learnt them from newspapers” I said. “I’ve always wanted to be a journalist”

“I’ve always wanted to be like my mum, but what happened freaked me out from doing it”

“You could always be a doctor and work at a medical practise”

“True, but I want to work on the really important cases that could save someone’s life”

“Working at a doctor’s could mean stopping things from getting too bad that they have to go to the hospital, like diagnosing cancer and being able to stop it with simple medication than an operation. Operations hurt you know” I said, just as another stomach cramp came, me moaning in pain.

“Are you sure you’re alright?” she said. I slowly nodded, with a fake smile, even though she knew I wasn’t, but she wasn’t going to argue. “Anyway, you’re right about what you said. Perhaps I should become a doctor instead”

“It’s your choice”

“I’m used to being get told what to do, I lived with my grandmother until she passed away a year ago, and she always told me what to do, how to dress, and how to eat, and things like that”

I thought for a moment. “But around here, people are like a pack of wild animal’s right?”

Kiki laughed then. “Yeah, they are, but it’s so funny how you just put it then!”

I smiled. From everyone I had met, I was the youngest, so I preferred being by the adults rather than the rowdy teenagers, so, because of me being the smallest, they felt like a pack of wild animals on top of me. “I’m going to sleep” I said.

“Oh, OK” Kiki said, getting up and walking to the door. “See you tomorrow?”

“Yes, tomorrow” I said.



I quickly changed into my pyjamas I’d received since my other ones were still probably under the rubble and got properly into the bed, and slowly drifted into sleep…


I was on my old street, walking up it alone. It was a quiet street, so it was safe to be alone on the roads as long as you were careful. Suddenly, I see a boy of around my age come out of my house. It was me. I was watching myself from outside my body. I saw the explosion, then what happened between me and the man. I woke up from the nightmare in a cold sweat, and realised I’d screamed out. I looked at the clock. 3:14AM. I fell back on the pillow. No-one had to come and check on me. I grabbed the other pillow which was underneath the other one and just sobbed into it. Why did this have to happen to me? What had I done wrong? I lost the only people I loved. I lost my house. I’d moved 50 miles away from my friends, so I had little chance of seeing them again soon. I thought then. It felt like someone was trying to destroy my life, even whether they knew me or not. I got out of bed, it still being the middle of the night, turned on the lamp at the desk, and started to write down something, but I didn’t know what until I had finished writing it.

Dear the person who had ruined my life by leaving me orphaned and making me move to the worst place on Earth,

I hate you, I mean I HATE you, for what you have done. You’ve ruined my life, what I’m going through is harder than you’ll probably think is possible. You left me homeless and orphaned, and just didn’t think about doing something to help me, or probably anyone, who lost someone or something yesterday because of you. Thanks a lot. That was sarcasm if you hadn’t noticed. I will get revenge on you for doing this, no matter how long it takes, whether I do it tomorrow or in 30 or 40 years. You have been warned, and this is not a joke either.


Clive, the son of two victims of your stupid idea.

I read the letter once I had wrote it. I felt so evil after reading it, it just didn’t sound like me. I read it about 7 or 8 times afterwards, until I realised that I was right. I loved my parents, and we had lived happily in that flat, unless something really bad had happened, like what happened yesterday, we wouldn’t have left for anything. For my parents, I would have done anything to put a smile on their faces; I was determined to do so as often as I could. I hadn’t done anything to deserve this. I hadn’t done anything. I wasn’t going to stand there and do nothing. I just couldn’t. I would, eventually, find out who killed my parents, and then pay revenge, if it was the last thing I did.

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