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Today was just a normal day. I was with Wanda on our way to the kitchen to grab some breakfast. The minute we sat down, Steve walked in. "Good morning ladies." He said as he placed his mug in the table, sliding into his seat. "Good morning Steve. You gonna be with us for training today?" I asked, just to notice how his facial expression has lightened up. "I will actually. Fury let me off headquarters so I'm technically free."

My morning conversation with Steve and Wanda continued for a while, though Steve was unusually shy, and Wanda's expression always showed slight mischief, as if she knows something I don't, but sometimes her eyes would shift in worry.

I got up my seat, heading towards the sink with my plate in my hands. Only to hear footsteps coming towards my direction, as I was turning the water on. My body tensed. Even without looking, I knew it was him.

Two weeks ago, Pietro and I went along just fine, in fact, we were getting much closer. A week later, I started to get those training classes where Wanda and I were separated from Pietro, so we could focus on our powers. The day I had my first day of my new training class, which was on Sunday, Pietro and I were talking to each other as if nothing happened. Two days later, he started to get very quite and reserved. On Wednesday, he totally ignored me.

He was now beside me, wiping dry a mug he wanted to use. "Good morning." I managed to let out. His reaction? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I tried to hold in my urge to scream at him, as I stared at the running faucet, knowing Pietro has probably left.

What the hell was his problem?! I did absolutely nothing! Does he have the right to just ignore me like this?

I was so frustrated, I threw my dirty fork into the sink, and stormed out of the kitchen, not caring wether the loud clanging noise had startled any of my friends at the table.

Ignoring the fact that training wouldn't start until at least an hour later, I dragged myself into the empty training room, changed into my exercise gear, and started punching the leather punching bag hanging from the ceiling.

I may not be the best at punching, or fighting in general, but I had a week of training which was enough to learn basic techniques and movements. But this wasn't about training, or increasing my stamina or anything like that. I just needed to let out my frustration, my confusion.

An hour later, Steve, Nat and Wanda walked in. I took a quick glanced at them, before going back to beating up the hanging bag. Assuming they got my hint, Wanda, Nat and Steve left the room, allowing me to continue my personal 'cool down session' with myself.

I continued my random beating for about an hour, until I heard the door open. In walked my two trainers and one Maximoff. They probably wanted me to stop, so I threw my gloves on the ground, sliding my sweaty back down the wall, putting my arms on my knees and head down.

"You can skip training for today. Two straight hours of hitting that thing was probably enough to burn off the Cheetos you had yesterday." I looked up and saw Nat and Wanda squatting 2 feet away from me. I shot them a sad smile, shifting my eyes to the side to see Steve standing under the door frame, and for some reason he looked sad.

Wanda placed her hand on my shoulder, with a caring look in her eyes.  "Don't let this get to you, I promised to not to read his mind so I don't really know what's going on, but I'll talk to him." After saying, she stood up, and spun around towards the door.

"Wait!" I half yelled while shooting my arm outwards, as if attempting to grab her arm. Wanda turned around with her eyebrows lifted in confusion. I took a deep breath. "I just don't want you to think I'm a big drama queen. It's just that, friendships are really important to me, and I'm fortunate enough to have very few friend related problems, but when they do happen, I break down, because I think that it happens because of me." By this time, I was at the verge of tears.

The brunette engulfed me into a warm hug, which was needed. "Don't worry. I have a feeling Pietro is the drama queen in this one." She said jokingly. And with that, she left, along with the other two avengers.

I continue to sit at the exact same spot, with my body still sticky with sweat, I probably looked like a trash can in a human form, but for some reason I felt like some time off was needed.

To be completely honest, although I said earlier that I'm really sensitive when it comes to friendship problems, it doesn't get this bad. Normally I just cry and cry and cry, but Pietro ignoring me completely shook me. I felt genuinely sad. And I don't know why. And the fact that Steve was looking at me with a weird expression earlier, isn't really much help.

For some reason, I felt like I had lost something. Something that meant everything to me. But a part of me doesn't really want to know what.

[A/N] hey! Sorry for the rather short chapter. I felt very off while writing this so please forgive me.

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