I tried not to think about Justin as the next few days passed. But it was hard.

I received a text mere minutes after our heated moment in the parking lot.

Just wanted to make sure you have my number. I really enjoyed my time with you and can't wait to see you again. -J

No doubt he got my number from my personal chart information, but I didn't mind.

I couldn't bring myself to text him back and the days that followed there wasn't any more communication between us. I wanted there to be, but couldn't initiate it. Then I realized that he might of regretted his actions since he hadn't called. Was he mad? Was he as confused as I was?

Well, I'm not confused. I know what I want. I want him. I just don't know how to go about getting him.

I kept myself busy with unpacking, but the stacks of boxes still kept getting taller. I felt like I hadn't even made a dent. Thankfully, Danielle and Dylan were coming to visit me this weekend so they could help.

I was waiting for their train at South Station, sipping on some coffee. They lived in Philadelphia so it was just a short ride to Boston. Dylan plays for the Eagles and makes quite a lot of money. I didn't know if he's good or not, but his paycheck suggests that he's valuable.

They were right on time and, as usual, Danielle had far too much luggage.

"Abby!" She grabbed me and pulled me close. I did the same to her

"I'm so glad you're here. It's been ages,"

"I know, I know. You look so cute. Is this dress new? I need to borrow it." She twirled me around.

Danielle was a bombshell in every sense of the word. She's thirty, but you couldn't guess it from her face. It was flawless and devoided of any aging. Long shiny black hair and pale blue eyes completed her look. It was almost too much for us mere mortals to handle.

We chattered quickly, like sisters did, about nothing in particular. I didn't even notice Dylan until he huffed in aggravation.

"No love for me?" He pouted playfully.

"Of course." I hugged him, but he could't hug me back. His arms were too filed with Dani's stuff. "I see she has you busy as usual."

He was a massive man with dark brown hair and such a happy face. I didn't think I've ever seen him angry. He had cute dimples and a boyish charm that made him impossible to hate.

"I have to put those muscles to good use." She felt his biceps. "God, you're so huge. I love it."

He attacked her mouth like it was on fire. They make out with vigor, and I cleared my throat. They had always been this way. Hot and heavy. Everyone else had to suffer around them.

"Come on. Let's get you two out of here before someone calls the police." I grabbed one of Dani's small chanel bags and lead them to the exit.

We stuffed everything into the trunk of my white Range Rover, and Dylan insisted that he drived. That was fine with me because Dani and I had lots of talking to do.

We've been close since I was ten. I really wanted a big sister, and she was everything I could have ever hoped for. I knew it sounded silly, but even with the age difference, it never mattered. We talked about everything and she was my sister in every way possible.

We reached my townhouse, and I was nervous to see what she thought of it.

"Oh, wow. This is beautiful." Dani looked around the marble foyer. "I really like it in here."

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