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'A fateful evening' was what many had described the night of Britney Spears' disappearance. The moon was dim and there was quiet confusion as to what had happened in the regularly bustling and thriving streets of Los Angeles.
Not much of the same feeling was felt towards Justin Timberlake's death, as there were many loopholes and rumors that the young musician was still very much alive but in hiding.
But this wasn't wrong, nor was it right.
Justin Timberlake was pronounced dead because there were no willing organ donors, yet he was secretly kept alive by a humble doctor who left his life support on. This doctor was hopeful that someone with the heart to save Justin would come around so he could live once more.
Few knew about this- only his close family and friends to ensure that they didn't notice the absence of a funeral.
However, many fans and the caught on and began an uproar questioning the sketchy situation. A fake funeral didn't calm the public, so after months of angry and confused fans, the kind Doctor sacrificed himself and donated his healthy heart to Justin.

The truth came out, and everyone was happy to have him back. He was confined to his home for about a year of no singing, for a proper recuperating period.

But Justin had no idea what happened to Britney.

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