Ronnie's Dirty Little Secret. (BoyxBoy) (EXTREMELY SLOW UPDATES)

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"I was lost now I'm found,

I'm sustained by the sound,

Of the angels singing me to sleep,

While my feet are leaving the ground,

Am I dead? Or am I dreaming instead?

A cornucopia of opiates have flooded my head

I'm insane, I am smart,

All it takes, is a spark, to ignite my bad intentions,

And do what I do best to your heart,

Don't be fooled I was raised by the wolves,

Now the moon hangs in full, so you know I won't play by the rules" Ronnie Radke's voice echoes around the practice room as the loud music plays. His voice is rich and nice sounding. Kellin Quinn listened in waiting because his band and him were next in the practice room.

"He sounds nice...but they need to hurry the fuck up!" Kellin's band member Justin Hills exclaimed. Justin was in a really bitchy mood.

"Shut up Justin!" Kellin whisper yells. Kellin is annoyed Justin's been at it all day. At Starbucks when a fan wanted his autograph he told her to fuck off and she ran away crying. This morning at the house Jesse used his eyeliner and he fucking flipped.

Justin's face turned a dark shade of red with anger and you could practically see the fire in his eyes. "What? Your not mad? They have been in there 10 extra minutes Kellin!"

"And? Its just 10 minutes Justin." Justin's features went rigid.

"Thats it I'm out fuck you all." Justin screamed and stalked away. Kellin's eyes went wide. 'Who was going to play bass guitar now? And we have a show tommorrow.' Kellin thought. He shook his head at Jack Fowler who went to go after him.

"He'll cool off just leave him alone he'll come back. He always does." Kellin stated and Jack nodded along with the rest of them. Kellin has been with Justin for 5 years and he's "Quit" 17 times. (A.N. I just made that up to add a little bit of drama :D yeah I might edit it out later...:/ )

Ronnie heard yelling and looked at the time to see they had been in there 10 minutes too long. "Shit guys look at the time!" He yelled and they all glance simutamiously at the clock above the amps.

"Holy mother shit!?" exclamed Jacky. "I bet Kellin is pissed..."

Ronnie was suddenly worried until Kellin walked in. "Hey Ronnie...guys..." Kellin said.

"Hey Kellin sorry about he time we didnt noti-"

"Its fine. We're down a bass guitar anyway so we cant do tommorrow's show" Kellin explained the situation and Ronnie suddenly felt guilty.

"I'm so sorry Kellin" Ronnie said almost in tears. Kellin saw this and hugged Ronnie. A spark danced between theyre contact making them both gasp softly and jerk away from eachother.

'must be static electricity...' thought Ronnie.

"Hey lets all go to starbucks!" Yelled Derek Jones.

"Sure" Ronnie said. "You in Kellin?"


They all walked to Starbucks in silence. Along the way fans walked up and asked for autograghs and pictures and we all agreed to it. Somehow Kellin and Ronnie ended up walking behind everyone else. As their hands swung with the rhythm of walking their hands brushed together.

Kellin jumped backwards and tripped landing directly in the path of a semi-truck. Kellin's eyes went wide as he stared at the horrified faces of the two bands before being picked up sloppily and tossed onto the side walk...By Ronnie and the last thing Kellin saw before passing out from shock was Ronnie getting slammed into by the same semi truck that secounds before would have hit him.


Yeah i know that this kinda sucks and it kinda escalated quickly but trust me you'll like the next chappie better :D

Love, Stitch

Ronnie's Dirty Little Secret. (BoyxBoy) (EXTREMELY SLOW UPDATES)Where stories live. Discover now