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Kellin woke up to Ronnie's beautiful brown eyes staring directly into his. No wonder his pillow was breathing! " wasn't a dream..." Kellin said mostly to himself.

Ronnie laughed and smiled at Kellin.

"Hell I hope not!" Ronnie said quickly, laughing. Kellin put his head back on Ronnie's slightly muscular chest and sighed.

Ronie looked at Kellin and saw tears dripping slowly down his face.

"Kellin? Why are you crying?"

"Because I'm so happy."

Kellin was so absolutly happy. He wasn't exactly sure what him and Ronnie were but he tried to think that they soon would be together.

"I have a question to ask you Kellin."

"Yes? What is it?"

"You remember when you said that I could be your boyfreind forever?"


"You ment that right?"

"Yeah. Why Ronnie whats wrong."

Ronnie was smirking at Kellin.

"Well I accept."

Kellin was confused for two thirds of a secound and then relized that ronnie and him were together. Kellin smiled like he would never smile again. Teeth and everything.

"Now I'm happier than you." Ronnie said to Kellin.

"Are you now?"

"Oh yes."

Ronnie leaned forward and kissed Kellin softly. Kellin responded enthusiasticly and kissed back. The kiss was so passionate and blurred out the rest of the world until it was only Kellin and Ronnie. The fireworks went off in all sorts of colors and they could bearly breath.

"That was..."


They lay together trying to catch their breath. Until the frantic beating on the door caught their attention. The door flew open and in fell Jack and surprisingly Justin.

Justin's face was bright red when he saw the two. "Urm sorry Kellin and Ronnie but Kellin I just wanted to say I'm sorry for the other day and ask if I can still be in the band."

Kellin pretended to think about it. "I guess but Justin." Kellin said after a secound.

"Yeah buddy buddy best freind?"

"This is your last chance."

Justins face turned very serious. "Okay. I- I'll try hard Kellin."


Kellin liked the fact that no one freaked out at the fact that Ronnie and him were in the same bed. It was like they expected it. Whick they probably did.

"Wow your scary babe." Ronnie said to Kellin.

"Only when I'm mad..."

"Whats up?"

"You called me babe Ronnie-Kins."

Ronnie deicided to rage quit life for a minute. Kellin laughing hysterically in the background Ronnie began to laugh too.

The two boys laughed until they couldn't anymore.

"Your something else Ronnie Radke." Kellin said softly after that.

"So are you Kellin. So are you."


Later after they got out of bed and stuff Kellin and Ronnie walked outside holding hands. Fans were walking down the street taking pictures and posting them EVERYWHERE.

"Well this should be interesting." Kellin said.

"Right?" Ronnie answered.

"Well lets walk back." Kellin said.

As they turned around they discovered that they were being followed by fans.



There was one girl that was completly still and just smiled. Kellin deicided he liked her. He walked up to her latting go of Ronnies hand and asked the girl her name.

She started signing out stuff in sign language. She signed 'My name is Maria.'

Kellin signed back very fluently 'Oh thats why you wernt screaming?'

'Yeah basically.'

'Hey...wanna meet the band?'


Kellin walked over to Ronnie with Maria following him. He said and signed for Maria to understand what he said to Ronnie. "Maria is gonna come meet the band."

"Oh okay." Kellin signed along with Ronnie's words as well.

Maria tapped on his shoulder.


'Tell him I said he's so awesome please?'

"She said your awesome." Kellin explained to Ronnie.

"Oh she's deaf?"


"And you know sign language?"

"Yeah. One of my friends along time ago was deaf."


Maria, Kellin, and Ronnie all walked back to the bus.

Kellin introduced her to all the guys and explain that she was Deaf.

Jack stared at her and began a signed conversation with her much to everyones surprise.

Maria silently laughed at something Jack said.

Everyone smiled.

"She's so awesome!" Jack yelled.

"Why's that Jack?"

"She fucking likes TURTLES!"

"OMFG!" The bands yelled.

Maria just laughed harder and harder.

Kellin and Ronnie slipped away after a while and began to kiss slowly.

The kiss was the kind that made your entire body hot and you want to just rip the others clothes off.

Their shirts came off and before the pants could Kellin stopped them.

"If we don't stop now we won't"

"I know...god...You wanna go back in the living room?"


They kissed one last lingering kiss before going back into the living room. Only problem was they forgot their shirts.


Yeah that was kinda a sucky chapter but you guys met Maria! Lol. I'm playing Emma Watson as her :P well Bye XD

Love, Stitch.

Ronnie's Dirty Little Secret. (BoyxBoy) (EXTREMELY SLOW UPDATES)Where stories live. Discover now