Chapter 1

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AN: This chapter will be the shortest because it's just starting out and the next one is longer but still short. After that it'll get long! :)


April 24, 2009

Dear Journal,

Today was just another hard day. The bullying at school just keeps getting worse so I’ve decided to write all my feelings and the days events in this journal. So today was extra hard because I finally mad a friend besides Lily. His name was Niall. Niall Horan. He’s so amazing and nice! He’s always laughing and someday I hope to figure out his secret. So where does the bad part come in? It’s who he’s friends with. Zayn, Harry and Louis. I honestly don’t know what I did to them but they just didn’t like me from the moment Niall introduced them to me. They kept making rude comments the whole time and I could see Niall was truly upset. But I had learned just to brush it off like every other cruel word and thing hurled at me. It did hurt, it always did. But no one cares, except Lily and maybe even Niall. It’s like no one realizes I’m human, that I have feelings like every other walking being on this earth. They treat me like I’m an alien who they fear so the knock down. What did I ever do to deserve this?




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