Chapter 8 ~ A Night of Fright

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Chapter 8 ~ A Night of Fright 

I didn't register the light growling that was emitted from below my waist as I saw small fragments of clothing fall from the ceiling. Something was placed on either side of my ankles and started moving upwards, until I saw a muzzle and then the most beautiful eyes that I would've loved to stare into all night long; if it wasn't the guttural growling emanating from the beast above me. A enormous paw moved up and placed itself on my chest. I saw the canines that protruded from this beast as it opened its mouth in a growl. I moved my eyes upwards for one last glance, since I knew with this beast, my last seconds were drawing nearer every second. I glanced up because I knew this was my Anubis, and this sudden transformation had to do with that bitch of a witch Isis. 

"Mate...";  I heard the thought that rumbled through my skull, even though it wasn't my thought, 

What the hell was that? I thought as I looked into the wolf's eyes.

"Mate!" The thought rumbled through my head again, this time coated in possession and dominance. 

In desperation to save my life I used every ounce of strength to try to push this monstrous beast off me, or at least back a few inches,  

"STOP THAT!"  I heard through my head as Anubis snapped at my face. (To which I'm pretty sure he was faking, but when you see jaws flying towards you, it looks pretty real). I quickly stopped pushing on Anubis's furry.. soft.... but still perfect chest. 

"W-w-w What are you?!?" I muttered frightened out of my wits to articulate a coherent sentence. 

"Stop talking, Seth"  Anubis said with a small growl. Being told to shut up in my own house really didn't fly with me, and with a sliver of courage I barked back: "No! It's my house, I'll talk when I want to!" 


"Y-y-yyy-yes, master..." I said in a small voice knowing I was defeated, Anubis took the paw of my chest and I cringed into his the soft fur on his legs. A few tears escaped my eyes into the soft fur before I heard Anubis again.

"I'm sorry Seth, I didn't mean to be so mean; please, stop crying..."  I felt nuzzling against my neck against where Anubis had bit me earlier. I immediately felt better as Anubis's nose rubbed the marks where his canines had sunk into my skin. I looked up into his eyes which showed genuine sadness unlike Rylan's at the beginning of that book that I had been reading, "Moonstone Romance"

"I'm sorry for being such a wimp." I whispered. "No...It's my fault", Anubis started blinking rapidly, and something started shifting under his fur. "Get on the bed, Now, please..." Anubis spoke through my head as he moved off me. I quickly got up and moved under the covers before I spiked Anubis's anger again; I moved the blankets away so Anubis could jump up, to what I saw looked painful because things were still moving below his fur.

As he finally got on the bed the fur had retracted, the bones had reformed, and my hot Anubis was returned to me, not to mention he was naked. "Uh... I have such a headache...please Seth no questions tonight, I don't even know what happened," Anubis muttered as he pulled the blankets over us and his naked form. He pushed closer to me, I flat out just basically pressed any piece of skin of mine against his. "Do you think I can sleep after that?" I asked him questioningly. "I said to." Anubis said as he tilted my head up and sank his canines into my skin and I drifted off as a coolness swept through my body. I quickly fell asleep with his canines latched into my skin.

(Sleepy Time)

"Seth! Seth, wake up!" I opened one eye groggily to see the beautiful face of Anubis looking at me. "Seth, this isn't the time to be staring! Get up! Go to the bathroom before your mom comes in here and sees all the ripped clothing everywhere and me naked! Go!" Anubis had thrown off the covers and had pulled me to the edge. As I stumbled off toward the bathroom I heard my mom walking up the steps. I quickly moved to the door, opened it, moved out before the advancing mother could see her son's best friend naked and the room covered in pieces of his clothes. 

"Hey Mom!" I said to my mom as I walked to the bathroom. "Is Anubis still asleep?" She asked me as she pulled me in for a hug. "Yes." I said quickly. "Well, I'll just go wake him up." She said as she moved towards my door. "No! I mean, no, Mom. We stayed up really late last night playing video games. I'll wake him up in a little bit." I said rushed. "Alright, go to the bathroom and I'll finish breakfast, and then you can wake him up." She smiled and kissed my head and went back downstairs. 

I went to the bathroom quickly, washed my hands, and stealthily got back into my room. "Woah." I looked around and the entire bedroom was cleaned up, and Anubis looked f*cking sexy in a pair of my sweat pants with no shirt on. 

"You think your mom will care if I have no shirt on? Because I couldn't find one of yours that would fit. You're so little, and it's so cute." Anubis smiled and tousled my hair.

 "I know I don't mind." I said while wrapping my arms around him. "So, Not to mention I'm still trembling, but what the hell was that last night?! And What the hell is this!?" I whisper/shouted at him pulling my shirt down to show the marks of his canines. "I really don't know but this morning I remember stuff, and it feels so very foreign, like interwoven with what I remember before I came here. But from what I can remember, what happened last night, was meeting a mate and that's a wolf's mark; it sends off an aura that scares other males and females away from you." Anubis said while smiling at me and playing with the hair on the back of my head. 

"And what does being your mate entail?" I asked enjoying this prospect of Anubis being mine. "Well, you get my indefinite love, you get to see my hot bod anytime you want, and soon you'll be mine. And I'm not talking like my boyfriend, I mean like eternity also with long passionate nights of me playing with this." Anubis said as he reached down and grabbed my ass. 

"There's only a few problems. Isis will take revenge for taking me away from her. My wolf has anger issures, and my wolf still believes you are his slave."

"Well, If I'm your mate shouldn't he treat me like one!?" I asked getting a little worried. I was almost scared to death last night. To think about being treated like a slave to some buff, abusive, wolf. And then having this nice, non-furry, caring, man with me when I'm not. 

"You do get bonuses being a mate to a werewolf though. You have a very long life span, and by that I mean while I'm not aging by turning into a werewolf regularly neither are you; not to mention nobody else will ever mess with you; and, I do anything you want. 

 "But let's forget about all of that for today, I mean it is the weekend, and I want you to have fun." Anubis looked at my lovingly. And on began our day. Free of worries of Isis, free from the psychoitic wolf that thinks I'm still his to control. 

Author's Message: 

"Moonstone Romance" is a real book here on wattpad and is a really good book, everybody should check it out if you already haven't; cause I'm pretty sure if you like mine you'll like it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2013 ⏰

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