A Day at the Cat Cafe

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So like I said in the last chapter, the next chapters will be in the perspective of other families. Sorry if you wanted to see more R&A going on, but you will, in the future. Compucles on FanFic gave me a hard time about Mousse and Shampoo's daughter's name, Happy. If any of you were wondering, in Chinese, Happy would be Ha-Pei. No relation to Happosai. And I am Chinese and Japanese so don't give me any crap about romanization, pronunciation, or anything of the like. If you find a translation error, however, I will definitely love to hear the correct version, so feel free to let me know! Thanks to Emotionally Crippled Reader, too.
- DJPandaGirl

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Ranma 1/2 and neither do you, so ya.

Btw- I am still accepting birthday requests and votes for Kasumi's baby's name! (Sachihiro, Koji, Daisuke, or Akio) All of my side notes are italicized and in parentheses. And when the Amazons are talking to each other, they will use their Chinese names and Shampoo will talk with proper grammar.

Chapter 4- A Day at the Cat Cafe

Shampoo's POV

I open my eyes when I realize the lack of warmth next to me. That's strange. Mu-Tsu is usually the last to get up. Maybe I should check on Ha-Pei...
I sat upright and stocked over to the bathroom. I fixed my lavender hair into its normal style and speed-brushed my teeth. With a gentle knock, I entered Ha-Pei's room.
"Morning Mama," she said quietly.
"Morning, Bao-Bao." (Bao-Bao means baby in Chinese)
I heard a clang on the floor below.
"Augh! Not again!"
"Mu-Tsu, what did you do?!" I shouted.
"I just dropped a knife into breakfast again, Xian-Pu," he replied.
"Oh, okay. Be more careful next time."
"Alright, Xian-Pu."
As I brushed Ha-Pei's long purple hair, I couldn't believe where I am now. 11 years. 11 years ago I had chased Ranma to Nerima, he defeated me, and I tried to marry him while Akane married him instead. That's when I finally gave into my feelings for Mu-Tsu. All those years of pursuing Ranma and finally failing made me reflect on Mu-Tsu. I loved him, not Ranma.
As we ate I pondered over my history. Strange how time takes its toll on life and the mind. Great-grandmother wasn't happy about my decision to marry Mu-Tsu at first, but she later realized I could make my own choices.
Suddenly a tiny figure flew through the door. Speaking of Great-grandmother.
"Nai-Nai!" Ha-Pei called.
"Zan-an(good morning), Bao-Bao and Xian-Pu! Ready to serve those customers?!"
"Yes, Great-grandmother."
"Good, because there is a line outside waiting for some of the new Ranma-ramen. See you downstairs!"
"Bye, Great-grandmother!" I called as she hurried down.
Ranma-ramen is a ramen based off of Ranma. He suggested I try something new and asked for ramen with his "life's ingredients". It's full of Japanese produce with Chinese spices and a couple organic vegetables from the areas near Jusenkyo and other training grounds he visited. The noodles are also packed with calcium and a special ingredient Great-grandmother calls "Power Powder". It's supposed to help with muscle growth. Ranma-ramen, or simply Ranmen, is very expensive because of the Power Powder.
As I leaped down the stairs, Mu-Tsu had already started helping Great-grandmother prepare a couple batches of Ranmen. I opened the door and hugged Mu-Tsu tightly, and kissed his forehead.

Mousse's POV

Ever since we were kids, I have loved Shampoo. When she kept rejecting me when we were 16, I started to loose hope in ever winning her heart. But when the date of the first wedding came, Shampoo finally opened up to me, and we started building up a relationship.
The clock in the corner rang eight times. The mob of people outside cheered happily as Ko-Lon flipped the "Open" sign and unlocked the door. Customers quickly rushed to seat themselves at a table. One after one, the orders for Ranmen were rolling in like kids down a slope. Each order costs ¥2230(about $18.48) and we have already sold at least 85 in the past hour. That's ¥189550(about $1571.16)! The Cat Cafe is going to be rich by the end of the day. I wonder if Ranma's gonna show up.
Business slowed down at about 3:00, and there's still no sign of Ranma and family. As if by magic, Ranma popped his head in and Tatsuo followed.
"I see my idea is a big hit!" he said with his smirk, portraying his ego.
"Now, Ranma. Don't give Tatsu any ideas, ok? We don't want him to become an egotistical jerk and pervert, now do we?!" she replied, half laughing as Ranma glared at her.
Ranma cut to the chase, not wanting to argue with Akane now. "Mousse, two Ranmen please and one kid's ramen. Thanks."
I wrote it down and handed the paper to Ha-Pei, who came scurrying back so I could got to the back and help prepare some orders. Ha-Pei went to talk to Keiko.
After chatting about the best staff-fighting style, Ranma pried Keiko off of Ha-Pei and tapped Akane on the shoulder to tell her it was time to go. We said our goodbyes, and we waved as they walked out the door.
Dinner passed by as if it were 10 minutes long. Xian-Pu and I were exhausted. Ko-Lon went to bed extra early, and Ha-Pei did the same. When I sat on the futon, I wanted to sink right into it. I set my glasses on the floor beside me and gave Shampoo a quick kiss before closing my eyes and drifting to sleep.

I'm sorry it is so short! I am kinda having writer's block and struggling to find time to write! If you have any requests for anything, I will gladly take them! That's it for now, but I am thinking of going back to a R&A chapter next time.

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