chapter 1

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It's my first day at Kara high. I've been to about 24 schools in the last 11 years. I have never fit in. Maybe it's the fact that I like reading... Or the fact that I love the water. Especially when it's cold... I never found out why. But I love the water. I'm a little nervous... This is a bigger school then I'm used to. My mom received some money from someone last month. We don't know who it's from. All we have is a note that says "Don't try to figure out who I am. You should know. And if you don't you will soon enough. :)." Any way. The bus is here. I walk out the door and get on the bus. When I get on everybody I mean everybody is staring. You can hear whispers. "Who's she..." "what's with her clothes" I sit down real fast and hide my face. Man this is gonna be a long day. I thought I looked fine. I'm wearing a fallout boy tshirt. High waisted pants. And combat boots. I guess I was wrong.

A couple minutes later we pull up to the school. I wait till everyone else gets off before I climb out. Everyone is staring and whispering. I quickly find my way to the office. I go in and the secretary looks at me with a warming smile. You must be Arielle Bloom." I smile shyly and nod. She gets in her desk and pulls out a schedule and hands it to me and says "have a great first day sweety!"I find my locker put everything in it. Then I pull out my galaxy not 5 and check the time. I still have 20 minutes so I go and decide to go to my first class. I try to find and eventually do with 15 minutes still. So I pull out my book and start reading. The teacher asks me who I am. I put my book down and say " Arielle Bloom sir." He goes "hmmmm. What grade are you in. Never-ending just give me your schedule." I nod and give him my schedule. " a freshman? That's ridiculous this is a junior class. This is chemistry. You won't understand a thing. " well actually I took physical science in 7th grade and biology in 8th. I'm a little more intelligent then the average freshman sir." He nods then let's me go back to reading. I'm currently rereading the Harry Potter series. I'm so engrossed In the book I don't even realize the bell rings until someone pushes me out of my chair. I gasp in surprise. When I look up I see someone that's tall. Skinny with all the right curves. Has gorgeous red curls that reach past her butt. And she is dressed in shorts and fancy looking shirt. "Next time don't sit in my seat. " I get up and scramble to the back. She glares at me. "Don't you speak? Oh look we have ourselves a mute freak." The entire class laughs and I just lower my head and take notes as the class starts. The rest of my day is the same. Until lunch. I brought my lunch so I go outside and sit underneath a tree. And think. Wait a minute.... on that girls wrist she has a birthmark. And it's in the same place as mine but mine is like in the shape of a water wave hers is flames. Huh... I wander... but my thoughts are interrupted by someone. "HI I'm James" I just look at him sits down. "It's okay to talk to me I won't hurt you" I look at his shirt it's Panic! At the Disco. He has on black jeans and red converse I look back at him and say very quietly "Hello" then looks down and say "You don't have to talk to me and pretend that you like me." I look up and there's sadness in his eyes. "So many people have left you huh? They've never stayed with you?" He whispers. I nod. "Not even my parents... I've never had friends... " I look away. "Well ill be your friend" I nod. And say "thanks" and we talk about bands the rest of lunch. Well him talking mainly and me listening. It turns out he's in 3 of my classes. But the rest of the day goes like the morning did. And then finally it's time to go home. I get on the bus to the same whispers and stares.
A few minutes later I'm getting if the bus when someone trips me. And all I hear is laughter I get up and hang my head and start the walk to my house. When I get there my adoptive mom jumps up and says "How was school honey" I say that it was fine. And then limp to my room. And she says "what happened?" I sigh and reply "I tripped mother." And with that I go upstairs and decide I'm not eating dinner tonight. I put my pajamas on. Put my ear buds in and lay in bed. I put it on shuffle and close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

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