chapter 3.

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I wake up the next day and its Saturday. I remember what happened last night and I smile. But... How did he know where I lived. Oh well. I go to stretch and feel something. I pick it up and its a note from James. It says "good morning. I was wandering if I can take you on a date. If so text me 918-208-4828- James." I smile. Then I frown I can't go I can't.
   I get up and go down stairs. Apparently him and my mom talked about it last night it was her idea. But... I can't. I can't get to close to him or he will find out. " mom I'm not going I don't even like him" I said lying through my teeth. Truth is I do think I like him... Maybe one date won't be bad... "No. You can't do it and you know it. He will find out about us." Miracle says. I know she's right. Miracle is the person that helps me control my elemental power. I am strong without her in control but if I let her out. I'm even stronger. "Come on just one little date." Mom you know its to dangerous. If he finds out."
   She realizes that. "Come on. Just one little date." Okay fine I give in. Come on miracle it can't be that bad. 'Fine but one okay ' "fine but only one" "yaaaayyy you're going on a date." I pull out my Samsung galaxy note 5 and put his number in and text him. "Hey its Arielle. We can go on a date. What time do I need to be ready and what should I wear?" Okay what if he doesn't text back... What if he was joking... I go get clothes and go take a shower. I put on music. And twenty one pilots is playing by the time I get out and get dried off and dressed . I check my phone and he texted me back and said to dress casual and he will be here at 5 its 3 now. Better hurry up. I go to the closet and I think I'm gonna where a skirt and a shirt. Hmm.. I'm gonna wear my highlow black skirt. And my white shirt. With my black heels. Then I curl my hair and put make up on. Its light make up. Just eyeliner and mascara. Then some nude colored lipstick. By the time I'm done its 4:30. I walk downstairs and my mom gushes over me. I haven't worn a skirt on four years. I went into and like emo stage I guess.
      Any ways it almost 5 there is a knock on the door so I go open it and I realize that I am just the right dressed up because he is kinda dressed up like me. Except he looks way better. He looks me up and down and I hang my head. That's the thing with having curves. You can't  wear a lot. He lifts my chin up. " you look stunning. We should go . after you" he held the door open for me so I walk out and I gasp at his car. Its a red mustang. One of my favorite cars but I can never have one. " you like I just got it last week" "I love it. It's my favorite kinda car and my favorite color." I look down blushing. "Well then I made a good choice then. He leads me to the car and opens the door for me. " so umm where are you taking me?" " its a surprise " " hmph fine"

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