Chapter 11

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Malki appeared next to me as the sun started to rise. His face told a solemn story. I sigh and nod

"It has been a long night my friend. For both of us it seams. I hope your watch was better than my own." I said standing up and stretching. I had a feeling that his was near to the same story as my own.

He nodded "I do not know if it was or not but there were some strange occurrences that I should speak about."

I grunted in agreement. "Come. Lets gather Aaron and sit over the day and discuss what we have experienced and learned these past two nights" Isaid and sprang off of the branch that I was standing on. Malki did not answer as he followed suit one step behind me. I stopped next to Aaron and put my hand on his shoulder. His hand was gripping his bow tightly and the top most blade of his bow was blood stained.

"Aaron, come. it's time. We are all going to talk back at the House. " I said as malki stepped forward and gently lifted Aaron up to a standing position. He whispered to Aaron and whatever Malki to Aaron it seemed to bring him back to reality. Aaron nodded his face hardening. I turned around and frowned. It seems that we all found something disturbing tonight. I sighed and stepped off the branch and started slowly back to the house. I walked to the main lounge going through the large archway. I sat down on an old wooden chair and sighed. Aaron and Malki came in a few seconds later, both had grim faces as they sat down on other chairs. We look at each other in silence for a while. I broke the tense silence

"I don't know what happened with you two, but I think I might found a way to bring the ones who were forcibly turned to come back to their own reality. It might not be the easiest or safest, it might not even bring them back to full health, but it might work to at least give them a fighting chance." I said softly looking at Malki and Aaron.

Malki nodded "That is what I found. Or at least I think that I found. I did not see any other spirits like the one last night but I did see a real, living breathing person. He did not even block my attacks. It was as if he was a sacrifice for a test. My blade hummed and started to glow brighter when I hit his leather armor. I was not expecting him to crumple to the ground as soon as I lightly cut the man. I did not even have a chance to look at what happened before he died. It was not till after his death did I see his body return to a normal limpness and color. " He said concerned looking at me.

"That was almost the same as my case. But the only difference was the man spoke to me saying save them all and forgive them. they do not own their bodies, or something to the effect of that" I said solemnly.

Malki groaned and leaned back pushing off his hood and pulling at his hair a bit in frustration. I looked at Aaron. His face was tight and his eyes cast downwards.

" I have seen this before. In the planes, we called the people who followed the ways of the Raven, the dark ones and we banished them. They found a way to merge with the Raven so they could shift and sway others forcefully to their will. Only death of the controlled or the one who controls them would cure them. Well at least that was the case until one Elder found that the Silverthorn plant mixed with heated water and a cleansing incantation could bring the controlled back without much pain but still a lot of fighting on their part. " he said tightly.

I nodded "that would make things more complex. This Silverthorn plan only grew here. But that plant has never been tampered with till the attack on the forest. I dont know if any survived. A lot of the undergrowth died that day. If it still lives do you think you could brew anything?" I ask Aaron.

At that statement the tightness faded from his face.

"I thought that the only Silverthorn plants were all used up with the epidemic that went through the plains. But if you say that the supply came from this forest then yes. I can make the solution. You could use it as a covering to the weapons or spike drinks with it. It is very similar to the solution that I made for the battle by the sea only it is the Silverthorn plant." He said his voice losing the tightness. I smile for the first time in days. I get up and hold out my hand.

"Give me your bow Aaron. I will clean its blades. It looks like you saw some action as well. " I said with a smile. He nodded and handed over his bladed bow. I took the thick heavy bow from him and grabbed a soft cloth and slowly started to wipe down the blades. Taking a silver polish I applied it to the cloth and rubbed it into the blade working out the blood stains. Taking another cloth, i dipped it into a bowl of water and cleaned the polish and the last of the blood off. Turning the bow over I repeated the process with the other blade. I listen silently as Malki talked about the past few nights and what we could bring to the council if we needed something to prove ourselves to come back to the Forest. I get up and hand the bow back to Aaron who smiled in thanks.

" We need to focus on first on what we need to do for the next two days. We still have the day patrols. The day is slower as not much comes out save the small animals and the occasional larger animal, but rarely any spirits. It would be twilight and sunrise that has the most activity and that is why we have our shift change there so that way we can double cover the areas. As for us, we will look for any damages to the border. So any odd markings on the trees, strange tracks, or any signs of an intrusion or people coming through. At a normal time we would tell the night shift so they would take extra care of what to look out for. " I said to them sitting down and pulling off my pack and taking out the last of the bread and cheese from the night. Unwrapping it I begin to eat. I lean back and sigh.

Malki nodded."Sir. Would you be willing to share a story of your times here?" He asked.

I smiled and nodded, a distraction. Just what we needed.

"I had just made Captain-commander first class. It was summer and we had on our black cut sleeve uniforms on. I had just gotten the new ranks on my collar, And new scales put on because I had previously gotten the metal pieces damaged. I was on day patrol rotation at that time. I had gotten up with the falling of the moon. I knew it was going to be a long day as the moon was now going to be in its full during that day and then at that night. No one knows why but everything acts up both during the day and the night on the time when the moon is at its fullest. Not only the spirits but also the people as well. So I was anticipating some strange activity for a day patrol. Now being a First class. I was to lead this patrol. I had six men at my command that day. Their name I will not give for they are inscribed into the wall with the rest of the names who fell to the attack. Anyway, it was going well for most of the day. It was not until about high noon when things started to go down hill. We were spread out along section A of the border, which would be the section where we were the last two nights. That section is the smallest of the three sections of the border, but by far the most active. We had started to see strange things. THings that should not have been going on for a day patrol. We started to see spirits move to and fro through the undergrowth. At some point they had started to battle. Not the dark and light but dark on dark, whilst the light spirits watched on. We even saw them divide into groups and stand by the fight waiting for the winner. It was like a miniature tournament. It was probably the strangest thing I have seen on the border. We normally don't see anything beyond the occasional person trying to get in or go to the King's Forest. " I said.

Malki stared at me. Aaron was trying to contain his laughter.

"That was a pitiful story Akon. I would expect better than that, but no matter. A good lesson no doubt." He said leaning back and crossing his legs on the table.

I stared at him with an open mouth." harsh Malki. But please enlighten me on a story of your own, or maybe Aaron you with to share one?" I said copying Malki's actions.

He smirked and returned to his quiet calm self letting Aaron look around the room trying not be noticed. I rolled my eyes.

"Well if that is all you have to say, which I may remind you was nothing, then I will go to sleep. We have the day patrol tomorrow. " I said noticing how late in the day it already was. The sun still had time before it went down but it was getting close to the twilight time. I start to get up when Aaron stops me.

"True, but if you wish a story then I could tell you how I came to the Forest Nation. "I blinked. I never actually heard the full story behind his reasons why he came to the Forest Nation. I nodded.

"Let us hear of this tomorrow when we are refreshed and back from patrol. " I said getting up and nodding to them I left.   

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