Black & White Prologue

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My parents named me Lake, after my grandmother. She was beautiful. Her long silver hair shone in the moonlight on dark days and glistened in the sun on the bright ones. Though everyone loved her, they all thought she was crazy. She told stories of being trapped in some world without color. She said that that was the place she lost her brother in, as he disappeared entirely, when in reality, he was murdered by his deadly brain tumor. She said that when she disappeared for a month, that was where she was. But no one believed her. Grandma Lake was locked up in a mental hospital for years, until she died inside, even after she lived for 3 more years, before just dying. She was only 60. It couldn't have age that killed her. But I think she stopped living long ago. She always told me that one day, I, only I, would see the truth in the stories she told. I never knew how right she was.

You see, I am Lake White, descendant of many great people. Maybe that's why I am stuck here. Or maybe not. Maybe it's because Grandma wanted me to finally see the truth. And I have. 'Here consists of a world without color, a world without beautiful things that keep it alive. This is a black and white world. No one can see me. Except Brian.

Brian was my savior. After being stuck her for a day and deeming it not a dream, I had tried to kill myself. But he came. And he saved me. And I love him. But, I'm getting too ahead of myself. See, this isn't the beginning of my story, oh no. My story starts long ago, at the age of 5, as I sit on my Grandmother's lap as she tells me what she saw in this crazy world.

"You know, Child. The world isn't always going to be here. People take it for granted too much." Grandma said, as she brushed through my long silvery-blonde hair.

"What do you mean Grandma?" My 5 year old self asked.

"What would you do if there was no color in this world?"

"Well, that wouldn't be a world at all."

"How smart you are child. It isn't."

"Have you seen a world without color?"

"Oh, yes." she answers, a ghost of a smile coming onto her face. "I have."

"What's it like?" I was a curious kid, always wanting to know what was going on. I read the paper with my dad everyday, I went outside to the pond to see what was living in it, what was happening in others' lives.

"It's like being blind, or dead, even. No one can see you. You can see them, but there is no color. It's all wrong." she answered.

"Were you scared?"

"A little. But my brother, your great uncle George, was there to protect me. I knew that he wouldn't let anyone or anything hurt me. But he was so caught up in protecting me, he forgot to protect himself."

"I wish I could've met him." He sounded like a great person. Even as a kid, I knew that anyone willing to sacrafice their own life just to protect the ones they loved made them a good person.

"I wish so too, hon. But just remember that. Don't ever take the colors of the world for granted."

I had smiled at her then, thinking to myself, "I would never take advantage of anything."

But I was wrong. You see, years later, as people began telling me she was crazy, I began believing them. Me and her didn't speak anymore. Until, when I was 12, when she was laying on her death bed. I was outside the room, not wanting to see her die. But mom had come out and said she asked for me. I didn't hesitate; just got up and walked in next to her. She shooed everyone out of the room, and her exact last words were: "Only you, Lake, will see the truth in my words." and then she passed.

I hadn't focused much on those words then. When I learned she was mental, I had made myself forget everything she told me. But those words brought it back. The week after she died I began having dreams where she told the stories again. Later on, I had nightmares of being trapped there. Nightmares so bad, I'd wake up screaming. I just told my parents it was clowns, as those had always been my greatest fear. They believed me. Then I began doing research on this Black & White world. There were only a few people out of me, Brian, and Grandma that had claimed to have been there and come back. Only one still lived today. Her name was Olivia Hennington. She was a rich type of girl, had anything and everything she could've ever dreamed of. But she hadn't wanted it. When she came back, last year, she had lost it all, when she told the story. She was never put in a mental institution though, so I could go see her.

It was that night, when I was taken, and put into the world. It happened as I was walking down the street, heading towards the address that was under Olivia's name. I had been going to ask her if these stories were true. I would tell her that my Grandma had been there. I was only 17. I was still in school, still with my parents. I knew that if a lot of time passed, I'd have to have some excuse. But I didn't focus on that. I just focused on how one minute, I was in front of apartment door 69, about to knock, and the next I was falling down into a world with no color.

My name is Lake, I was named after my Grandma. She told me stories of how she was trapped in a world with no color. She told me to never take the color for granted. She said I would know the truth of her words, that she wasn't crazy.

I can tell you now, that she was right.

My name is Lake White, and I am trapped in a world of no color. This is my story.

Hellloo! If you're reading this, then you've read the story, so THANK YOUUUU!!! Please comment, vote, fan, etc :) It makes me happppyy! Love xx ~Cay

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2011 ⏰

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