Chapter 1: My troubled life

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  Being a troublesome youngster, I was usually alone. With no one to love me or care for me as I grew up, I got into many situations! As the days grew short, and I had grown older, I met a cute mousy girl! Her name was Rose, she was only 15 at the time, and so was I. At first, when I approached her i was nervous! It was only the 3rd day of school so it was all new to me! This girl, Rose, was cute and mousy when she was around me! Two more days had passed and it was the 5th day of school, commonly known as hell! It was 3rd period and I sat next to rose in science, she was shy of course but continuously glared at me! After class, at lunch, i had grabbed my cold food and warm drinks. As i was walking to my seat rose bumped into my tray, this had sent the cold food onto the floor, and the hot drink on us. "I'm sorry... Rose right?" She had responded with yes and i grabbed a few napkins and wiped off her shirt first. When the day was over i was walking out and bumped into her again. This time it was a bit awkward since she fell on me. Blushing madly I was staring into her eyes, they were a cute blueish-green. I sat up along with her, our faces almost connecting. I had slowly leaned in and kissed her for 10 seconds.

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